Took him a lot of shots though. The index at the bottom of each picture describes a few abbreviations used and also the format in which the armor details are described in. & SuperTest News. ~ Agree : how can a game be almost perfect in terms of ww2 infantry simulationand be a total and absolute pita when it comes to ww2 tank combat : using BF1942 arcade system ( armor HPs system and Mac Gyver mechanics fixing a tank engine in 60 seconds) ?? Tanks are among the vehicles present in Post Scriptum. We could balance the sides, by giving the allies more tank sections for example. It is operated by a crew of 4; a driver, gunner, hull machine-gunner and a commander. Knowing this will be the difference between life and death. As of the 9.17.1 update the Panther has 5mm side spaced armor that will make HEAT and HE shells perform poorly if they hit this area. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Which American Tank Line is Right for You? I know that I have the Arnhem training map to find them but I do not have a good memory and not much time to create a personal document. Facing an angled Panther you should just aim at the side hull/turret if it presents itself below an auto-bounce angle. The advantage of having no turret is that you don't have a big poorly sloped target for the enemy, however the StuG IV has some pretty nice flat spots only 80mm thick on its lower glacis, so in a practical sense it's not much harder to blast through than the Pz IV. In wot, overmatching overrides autobounce. All my hours are infantry. It costed us tremendous amount of time and money to make this app for your and also it costs us money to operate this website and serve the HD data for the app. Maybe if we think of tankers as infantry players with rifles called "Tiger" or "Firely". WoTs New!?! It's possible it was lag or desync but its beyond stupidity that the firefly didn't die. Sd. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; I have seen a lot of players either complaining the AT rifle is not enough to kill a tank or simply use it against infantry instead. ), FOBs, logistic trucks, infantry, and enemy armour to surprise and destroy. This game logic would match more accurately the basic reality that allied tanks i.e. WoTs New!?! I am creating a reference sheet to use whilst in tank.Would someone be able to give me a list of each tanks weak and strongest points to give an idea where i should be trying to hit. As a Panther driver sometimes trying to over angle your tank against a higher tier can save you. Explore. Which Italian Tank Line is Right for You? Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The biggest threat to you as a tanker is by far the enemy AT kits. Which Russian Tank Line is Right for You? While true but they're more than capable as a scout car. Thanks for the effort you put in the guides. Both have excellent guns, and medium armour. OH! Labor Day Specials Battle Pass V3 New Superest Tanks. The 2cm cannon is so good at taking enemy infantry, and can hold its own against light vehicles. Has Wargaming Ruined Loot Boxes For World of Tanks? Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by This being said its front is still highly resistant to the churchill, cromwell, and can cause ricohets from the mighty 17lber with a bit of luck, which makes it extremely hard to deal with for the british tankers. The turrets move so slowly, and you're such a big target that's the center of the enemy's attention, that having an extra gun that can quickly snap to and eliminate an AT infantry (your biggest counter) will improve effectiveness immensely. Three witnesses, two in the StuG (gunner + driver), one on foot outside. Which Swedish Tank Line is Right for You. WoTs New!?! The PzKpfw VIB Tiger II (known as the King Tiger or Tiger II) is the German tier 8 heavy tank for the E-100 heavy tank line. The next areas you can aim for are the crew areas themselves and the slats for which they see. If you simply avoid shooting the cupola and angled turret sections youll easily penetrate the rear armor. Make sure the person with the most experience acts as the commander and pay close attention to what he says. I think we need to remember the tank players paid the same price for the game as those who play only/mostly infantry. M5 Stuart: At first glance the stuart should suck. Ive been on the receiving end of this. From the side the Tiger II does not sport a great deal of armor for anything that normally faces it. Plus Supertest News! The position is also the easiest thing to do, meaning you can rely on randoms for it. Give us more camo options for tanks. Here you can check the thickness of every armor plate. Also I feel like it should take longer to repair a engine. Armor Inspector can show you armor thickness models (World of Tanks collision models), displays crew and modules locations, including ammo racks, fuel tanks, engines. With the Armor Inspector you can compare WoT tanks and check the difference visually in armor and specs. Enemy tanks are loud, slow, and get spotted like crazy, the chance that you'll get snuck up on by one while you're in a field is much lower than getting shot in the ass with an AT kit while hiding in foliage. If there was a decent angle, it could of just bounced. @Guru Also the 5th shot would have killed it, but if the firefly's side was exposed and you missed the ammo rack 4 times, instead of coming here to complain just learn from your mistake and do better next time man. When I have some problems with a tank, I like to use your guides (mostly weakspots) to get a fresh view on it. It's worth your time to into a dead server and learning these skills. Press J to jump to the feed. I will take the realistic frustrations to a certain extent atleast remove the whole crew being killed or knocked out, and just focus on actually damaging the tanks systems (Tracks, Ammo rack, Engines, Turret drives, Cannon breaches, etc) itself then tanking would require more skill and actual knowledge on what you're fighting to determine how to effectively deal with the situation. Should you be familiar with the WWII tank design, you would know of this report. Tanks are used to engage infantry and other armored vehicles. How can an armor of 8mm withstand a 75mm AP round? Update 1.10.1 Secrets & is the Waffentrager Really Returning? able to absorb Tiger rounds at point blank range. Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite Tank, WoTs New!?! I really hope that the armor system get's some more love later this year. That goes for many places on tanks. Smaller things that players might miss: holding control in the periscopic driver or commander sights lets you rotate them, this gives surprisingly good visibility to the drivers or the Tiger, Firefly, etc. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. New Equipment Ideas + Whats Going On? Scout cars die in one or two AT hits, and two tank hits if you're lucky. If we had no hull health, tank gameplay would not be fun. Armor gameplay in post scriptum is the best armor experience in any game or there, and I think tank to tank combat is in a good spot even with the AT guns update. Control + Mouse Wheel lets you change turret traverse speed. Players can assume the role of Driver, Gunner, Machine-Gunner and Tank Commander. Number of Weak Spots ? Yes, you have zero cover or concealment, but this for the most part doesn't matter. Quoting you: A driver that can weave through trees, turn on a dime to face the enemy, reverse without hitting objects, and knows exactly and and what he can not go through/over will keep you alive! Thank you so much for your continued support! An experienced crew will make quick work of unsuspecting enemy armor and with the help of infantry squads, a well informed tank crew can be devastating. It is also useful for driving one as well since you know what areas to cover up. Because of this, the safest place you could ever been in a tank is in the middle of an open field. In PS it's like an arcade (and comedy) dance routine xD. This is obviously a serious downgrade to its abilities, but its small size, low sound signature, and gun with good-enough penetration and high rate of fire does still let it act as an effective behind enemy lines vehicle hunter. Weak Spots ? The MP40 is extremely good and the sterling aint bad either. Transports are another pack of targets that you as a gunner can handle easily and you should engage when possible. With a bit of an angle it's extremely easy for the mighty 75mm and 88mm German guns to bounce. Versus infantry; There are multiple threats that tanks need to watch out for. No need to get upset if you disagree. The armor system at the moment is bizarre, even bugged is what i willing to say, i literally saw a Cromwell, shoot a bren carrier twice and the shells BOUNCED off! Combine this with its excellent firepower for everything but the Tiger, and adequate survivability against the dread panzerschreck and you have an S tier vehicle in the making. Post Scriptum Wiki. It is best that one squad crews the Light/Medium/Heavy tank, while the other crews the Armored vehicle and provides info and infantry support. Tanks and Scout Cars play very differently, so I'll keep them separate. Theyll just blow up your tank with charges or AT handhelds. Console Name BP_Somua_S35_C Contents. The app can show World of Tanks visual models, complete tanks specs, can show and estimate damage from HE ammo, can estimate ramming damage and more. I dont know what planet you are fromthere was not one instance in WW II of the frontal armor being penetrated on the Tiger II tank. All it takes is one guy to see you, make a mark on the map and say "he's not moving" for the commander to click that Stuka button (he's just itching to.) A well trained and coordinated tank crew can wreck havoc on the enemy team. Why Mirny-13 Will Lead to WoTs Downfall & The Captured King Tiger Fiasco Update. WoTs New!? Twitch Drops | E-220 Weekend | T77 Mini-Review | Huge Problem With Italian Heavy Tanks? If you for one second believe that you needed to hit a sweet spot on a Cromwell with a Panzerfaust to KO it, I'm immediately giving up any effort at continuing a discussion with you. Post Scriptum Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You can shoot the fenders/mudguards on heavies to deal damage even if you can't pen anywhere else. Sure first shot still gives you an heavy advantage, but if you don't have the skill to be accurate enough the other tank has an opportunity to react. As a commander, being outside the vehicle unless youre really on the move is usually a pretty good idea, you can run a bit ahead and scout for enemy's / better positions to be in, and you can gun down enemies trying to sneak up on you, remember the MP40 is amazing! WoTs New!? By turning your tank's hull about 30 degrees in one direction, giving the bow gunner the responsibility of then covering 11-1 o-clock, and the the gunner responsible for either 1-3 or 9-11 you can cover a fairly wide field and defend against enemy infantry quite effectively. In a game where AT kits are supposed to be the best counter to armour, this is ridiculous. While it wont hold up against tier 8/9 tanks it can deflect plenty of tier 5-7 shots. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The problem ? Staghound keeps orbiting around, lands several hits on the StuG, StuG destroyed. If a large contingency of friendly infantry is pushing through a town, and you stay both very close to them, and behind them, you will generally be pretty safe. Churchill: The Churchill has one thing going for it; armour. The entire health pool system of vehicles is completely unrealistic. Fortunately for the Tiger II it has decent gun depression allowing it to hide its lower glacis and making it difficult for many tier 8 and under tanks that it faces to penetrate it reliably. The second most dangerous place to be is anywhere urban, it goes without saying that giving the enemy the opportunity to hide in buildings in many directions from you is impossible to defend against. I think when that sort of situation evolved (that is battles in close proximity) in real life, contests were settled swiftly and brutally. Kfz. The commander's position offers excellent visibility and it can be easier to spot mines due to the elevated line of sight. Let them act as a shielding force against enemy AT, and to carve you a path through the streets. Update 1.11 Details | Possible Nov Marathon + Holiday Ops Tanks?? Versus mechanized; Anti-tank guns also pose a big threat to armored vehicles as their powerful and quick firing cannons can make short work of any armored vehicle. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; . The Anti-Tank Rifle was meant to *disable* a tank, not to necessarily outright kill like an AP shell from an AT gun or tank would do. I've actually had my tracks detroyed the other day. Taking the enemy by surprise is obviously the best thing you can do by this logic. Pressing Q in these sights will let you zoom in too. Update 1.11 Details | Possible Nov Marathon + Holiday Ops Tanks?? However, the StuG has one advantage, and that is its acceleration. If you like the app, consider visit the shop. Most, if not all tanks are weak at the back. Drivers! I think that alone would fix armor. The MG port is not a weakspot in tiger 2 but it remains as a weakspot fot jagdtigerJust WTF WG???? Other fun facts, such as the qf 2lber (daimler) can not penetrate the tiger anywhere, but it can punch through a Panther or PzIV's sides and rear no problem. Crew can be killed, but it's very rare - only been shot out of a tank turret a handful of times times total, and most of those were in armoured car vs armoured car engagements where a lot of shots were coming in. So don't waste your time waiting, by the time they've finished doing everything this game needs (fixing it and tinkering with infantry play) we'll be down to a couple of hundred players and a handful of servers and they'll no longer see any point addressing the armour. Long Time No See! While it is hard to hit from the front it . Has Wargaming Ruined Loot Boxes For World of Tanks? Long Time No See! Which Russian Tank Line is Right for You? The fun thing about this is all is that even hitting the ammo rack is a % chance for it to detonate. It has penetration calculator that helps you understand why and how you can penetrate the enemy tank. Update 1.10.1 Secrets & is the Waffentrager Really Returning? Which British Tank Line is Right for You? It's one of those features that needs to be compromised because it's a game and needs to be fun at the end of the day, but even so, it's so much more indepth than any other game. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The sweet area on the Pz between the hull and the turret hull is a huge weak spot that was targeted by Soviet gunners can help with a successful ammo rack or simply killing the crew and where the tracks meet the hull to also try and ammo rack the tank if you can Confrontation has high tier tanks locked. The M4A3 Sherman is an Allied Medium Tank featured in Post Scriptum. They are the strongest drivable vehicle in Post Scriptum. I recommend never, unless you are making an emergency escape, going into the heavily wooded areas. No News!?! Microphones are extra useful for tank crews as it makes communication between tank crewmembers and other sections quick and easy. November Tier 8 Tank Marathon Leaked? I know I just bring this on again tank combat is far from being realistic. It's a crappier Stuart that handles a bit better. Labor Day Specials Battle Pass V3 New Superest Tanks. The basic tools can be tried for free. Cromwell: Don't get me wrong, B-tier doesn't mean bad, but the cromwell has little on the PzIV and Firefly, which is why it lands in B-tier. They are numerous and extremely effective. StuG IV: The StuG IV at first glance is just a lesser Pz IV, it's roughly as well armoured, and in comparison it lacks a turret and a bow gun, both of which are nice features. WoTs New?! The best part to aim for is the tracks on tanks and by doing so you immobilize the tank which leaves it vulnerable for dedicated LAT/Pioneers and friendly armor to deal with. All of these factors combine to make it A-tier. It should have been one of the most interesting aspects of the game, but it ended up being one of the weakest aspects. My Thoughts on Object 274A | New Maps + Supertest News, WoTs New!? Be on the lookout for them in cities and in long stretches as they can be used to create choke points for armor, or be concealed for an ambush. Should Matchmaking & Balancing Be Revamped? You can post your question on our discord channel. CS-52 LIS Review & Is It The Best Tier 8 Medium? 1.10.1 Patch Recap Halloween & Ranked Battle Info And Supertest News! WoTs New!? Churchill is ridiculous RN and more importantly, not fun to play as or against. It was added to the live build on the January 9th, 2020. Crew can be killed, but it's very rare - only been shot out of a tank turret a handful of times times total, and most of those were in armoured car vs armoured car . Yeah ok, maybe in your wold. This guide for World of Tanks Panther weak spots will help you know where to aim against an enemy Panther tank. Cover up of vehicles is completely unrealistic the easiest thing to do, meaning can. Game where AT kits know what areas to cover up ) dance routine xD to repair engine! 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