If you struggle expressing your own, it could be a good opportunity for you to talk about why you find it hard to share these feelings with other people. Instead, roll with it. Understand that the person in And those who see what youre like and cant handle it are free to move on. I started replacing a few of the light globes around the house with amber light globes, I started wearing amber coloured blue blocking glasses at night, and I invested in a few salt lamps that give off a gorgeous amber glow instead of turning the lounge room downlights on. . Intense people dont need or even want an easy path to success. My skin is glowing like never before and my kids are so much more chilled out. Not only does your house take on a softer, greener and more beautiful dimension, caring for plants is a very nurturing (hence feminine) role and watching them grow and thrive is hugely satisfying. They're usually saying that to be polite. This is too much, I used to think. You dont worry about what other people think of you. Youll know it when a good relationship comes along because it wont feel forced and youll feel like you can be yourself. And even fewer people want to face that. They tend to lack the basic empathy that makes up a lot of our humility as individuals. Being emotionally intense can have its ups and downs, but for most, the positive aspects outweigh the negative. Most of us at some point in our lives have had relationships with people who leave us feeling utterly drained of energy or yuk inside, or we sense that they are trying to drag us down, or belittle us at every chance. They make great mates. You cant help but become more gentle, softer and connected with yourself when you connect with mother nature. Not only do such admonitions invalidate their passion, they invalidate the person's essence. You wear your heart on your sleeve. There are times when we need to close the door on relationships with people who cross our boundaries, affront our values, no longer respect or love us, or no longer enrich our lives. And many 40-something year old women that I interviewed confessed feeling exactly the same way. Besides, you don't want to get on their bad side. Theres a time and a place for serious conversations, but intense people cant always find the right balance. 19. That means that some people are going to take a step to the left when you blow through their world, but thats okay. Turn down. Intensity in children can also relate to mood, though. As an A-type personality, uber driven, organised and ambitious person, who always excelled at anything I put my mind to, soft is not a word that would ever have been used (either by myself or anyone else) to describe me. Heck, I might need chocolate (the best quality raw dark chocolate of course rather than the cheap crappy variety). You dont need validation from others. It requires a firm to resolve and get to the finish line when things get rough. Noting the temperature and sensation of drinking a hot cup of coffee. When someone mentions an intense child, thats often due to the childs energy level more than their actual personality. If electric light at night does explain a portion of the breast cancer burden, then there are practical interventions that can be implemented, including more selective use of light and the adoption of recent advances in lighting technology and application.. Moderating how much you see someone gives you time to start missing them again and get excited about the next time youll be together. You see them for who they truly are. A study published in PubMed showed that light at night markedly increases the growth of human breast cancer xenografts in rats. 1. Unwittingly, through these soft lights, my nervous system started softening as I started getting used to this visual softness. Instead, you value your family and friendships at a deeper level to satisfy your need for a deeper understanding and level of intimacy with those around you. Be less of who you are. You have more important things to do. And Im old enough now to know that I might as well embrace it. Bright lights, day and night, is all Ive known. In this article, youll learn how to soften an intense personality with Seven clever tricks, but first, you need to know the answers to some essential questions, so keep reading! If you find yourself in any kind of relationship with someone who is bordering on obsessive, remind them to come up for air once in a while and encourage them to try something new with you. Being unhappy in your job hardens you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Know when to steer clear of a touchy subject or let something go before you get frustrated trying to make them listen to a point of view they dont want to hear. This article was originally published on Oct. 3, 2021, The Adderall Shortage Is Affecting Both Parents And Kids With ADHD In Big Ways, A New Parent Talks About Dog Mom Guilt While Cuddling Her Pup. Few though they may be, theyre your tribe. A relationship is all about give and take, and a successful one will have you feeling like you both support each other equally. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Fill your home with plants (do this even if you do spend a great deal of time in nature!). I mean, really? They could turn their intensity against you. The type and intensity of your exercise really needs to suit your body and where you are at in your life. While intense personalities may turn some people off, many more people want to learn to communicate with them better. When you greet complete strangers in this way your approach is infectious and it spreads a lighter, softer and happier energy throughout the world. Word choice is important to you, and you feel the nuances in every syllable you speak. Even if the intense person apologizes for being intense, don't agree that s/he is. Ive gotten myself out lots of jams by buckling down and pursuing goals with pure intensity. 4. Many people with intense emotions are highly gifted individuals with exceptional levels of empathy, intelligence, creativity, and imagination. Maybe youre just processing something. And not something that I would have thought our male counterparts find particularly attractive. Every human being experiences fear. 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It. If you are going through something extremely stressful and already doing lots of functional movement through day to day life (like setting up a retail shop with 13 staff just sayin), then frequent and intense exercise will simply be an extra stressor on your already stressed out body. If you are interested in. It might need more carbs (I opt for root veggies like baked potato chips), or more fat (upping my butter intake or having pure cream for dessert might do the trick), or more protein. 10 Tips for Relationships with Managers and Employees, 25 Key Qualities of a Good Employee | Learnizia. For example, someone who was easy to get along with could become irritable. WebWhat are the best ways to improve your personality? Life Up. Regardless of your personality type, finding a good therapist is a vital tool to learn more about yourself. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Youre careful about whom you let into your life. 9. We hope you find this article helpful! Staying Single: What Most People Do If They Divorce After 50. Its usually not a cause for concern, although you may need to adjust your parenting approach to better align with your childs intensity. Taking things slow isnt a bad thing, and if it feels like things are getting too intense too quickly in a relationship, then they probably are. You dont bother to sugar coat things, and see your honesty as a positive trait about you. This can be because they are over-excitable, over-emotional, or subconsciously trying to dominate the conversation. This page contains affiliate links. Every conversation must be meaningful and satisfying, or you feel cheated of your time and attention. And both the quality and quality of it count. If you work indoors, try to have your lunch outside in the sun and spend as much of your leisure time outdoors. Don't think that just because they appear strong-willed, they are unaffected by or unaware of your clumsy attempt to escape from them. While connection with kindred spirits is important (as set out in point 1 above) a connection with oneself is first and foremost paramount. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Your deep personality allows you to be friends with yourself and understand what you need from relationships. Historically, prior to the invention of electricity, our ancestors would sit by candle light (which emits low amounts of blue light) or they would simply sleep after the sun went down. Your whole personality feels more aggressive to them or at least noisier. In the shorter term, you may need something more immediate to tamp down the negative emotions youre feeling. Just like junk food, I didnt like how it made my feel, once I had experienced the alternative. Intense people do not need or even desire an easy route to success. And they dont see a point in even trying to. I view junk food (which includes all processed and nutrient-devoid foods) as rubbish and not as real food so it wouldnt cross my mind to eat it. This means that you dont waste time on people who dont get you and you wont You tend to be clingy with your closest relationships. To purchase these oils (which are the purest and the most powerful on earth) and become a wholesale customer with 24% discount refer to this blog here. When a favorite character in a novel or movie dies, you grieve as heart-rendingly as you would for a friend. 6. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter. It is more difficult to seek out people who you feel a connection with because you dont even know what you stand for or what makes you tick. While the Germaine Greer feminist movement in the latter half of the 20th Century may have served an essential purpose of catapulting women out of social inequality, did it land us at the far extreme of the other end of the spectrum, competing with our male counterparts as one androgynous species? However, being fully aware of any potential setbacks will make the diagnosis much easier to handle. Its best to try to have a balanced outlook on life and try not to become too wrapped up in one person or activity. Boston ferns (these absorb moisture), Peace Lilies (these siphon off VOCs), Sansevieria aka Mother in Laws Tongue (a potent oxygen producer at night), and Fiddle Leaf Fig trees (which look freakin amazing) are what I have mostly filled my house with. But thats okay, it also means you get to spend more time working through things that others would just glaze over. If you show them respect and make a point to listen, youll often see a softer side. It requires a firm to resolve and get to the finish line when things get rough. Both make the world better than it would be without them. This can intimidate a lot of people because they dont want to be with someone who is breaking boundaries all the time. But, deep down, an intense person is likely more misunderstood than anything. The Art of Softening (and the 10 ways that I have softened) But it doesnt mean that you will never find it. To answer the next two, you might be extra to those who are less intense. Some people are outgoing, but others are incredibly fearful. And as females, if our very nature is to be soft and feminine, we can better connect with that side of us. For you, thats superficial and meaningless. What a blessed relief to let go of that baby! Emotional intensity occurs with people who feel things differently they almost absorb the emotions of the people around them, which helps them feel as if they can relate to others. Softening into nutrition means for those of you who have not already done so, finding a connection with the food you are eating: being vitally concerned with the source and processing of it and learning how to properly and lovingly prepare it (rather than exclusively outsourcing this integrally feminine role). Few people actually believe they're as forceful as they are. I will never hang my hat on any one thing (as there never is one panacea), but since I started using Young Living essential oils daily (as face moisturiser with olive oil, to diffuse in the house, as a household cleaner, occasionally in my food, and on soles of my feet when Im feeling a bit sick) I have felt so much calmer, happier, and healthier. Its why people both love and hate you. 3. So I started, slowly, reducing night time exposure to artificial light by making a few sleep hygiene changes. Or seek out hobbies and interests outside of work that you have a strong connection with so that that aspect of your life is nurtured. 5. How did this happen? After all, growth only happens when you escape your comfort zone. If you dont, the consequence is a disconnect which hardens you. However, those rules are frequently challenging to implement. 29 Intense Personality Traits 1. Changing my inner dialogue from largely negative to largely positive has had a huge impact on making me feel happier, softer, and more feminine. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. But those hard drivers are some of our most productive people. It gives you great meaning and pleasure to get as much as you can out of every aspect of your life. I confidently know that if I eat 2-3 solid nutrient-dense wholefood meals a day in the context of an active lifestyle with plenty of pure water and sleep, I will certainly not become overweight. You know who you are and what makes you tick. You resent anyone telling you what you should or shouldnt be interested in. And you have zero tolerance for fakery. Smooth tunes, vintage piano, classical or anything that isnt stimulating serves to soften, soothe and calm. You dont feel a need to conform to someone elses idea of how you should be. Catch yourself when you say these things and swap all the negative chatter for positive thoughts as I detailed in my blog here. The world needs more people who are on fire with ideas on how to make the world better and who have the passion and determination to learn more and take action. To be an intense person, you are likely to have some of the above emotions, desires, and behaviors. So when I set up my own house at 23 and right up until recently, on when bright lights, all over the house once it got even slightly dark. It means that you can access areas that those with a soft personality do not have. What I really needed was more gentle exercise to nourish and restore my body, not rip it apart and stress it more. It means never going to those extremes. If a person has frequent and dramatic mood swings, it can be difficult to deal with. But this is how you find your tribe. Its so easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of it all that you could miss the signs that things are too intense. But you are who you are and when someone gets to experience a deep conversation with you, they get much more out of it than useless small-talk. Nah, youd rather read a book from Confucius or Buddha on what it means to live a life of purpose. When we are hard on ourselves, we harden. Sure, people love complexity in theory, but in action, it can be really intimidating to other people. If you know someone like this, remind them to take a breath once in a while and dont feel the need to keep pace with them, whatever works for you is just fine. Im exhausted. Intense people experience the full range of human emotions at a profoundly deep level, allowing them a unique and sophisticated understanding of others. March 1, 2023, 11:39 am, by And you expect those who actually care about you to listen and at least try to understand. If you want it to work, sometimes its best to pick your battles and know when to agree to disagree. If you find yourself feeling drained or frustrated after spending time with a person, it could be that they are just too intense for you. WebCounter-dependency is a hallmark symptom of High-functioning BPD. March 1, 2023, 6:39 am. You expect others to give as you give. One of your greatest delights is in learning more about things that matter to you. Did you like my article? To harness that, when dealing with an intense person, dont compete with that or try to tamp it down. Webralph boston obituary; james clear gewohnheit spickzettel; verizon international calling outside us. Jelena Dincic Whilst in the past I would have been affronted by such an observation, today I see it as nothing short of the greatest compliment. Our ancestors honoured the rhythm of nature and the daily cycle of rising with the sun and sleeping with the sun. People think youre rude because you wont engage in banality with them. Intense is often a word that often comes up when describing children. Youve heard the word moody used to describe your behavior, and it annoys you. These characteristics may benefit you and your journey of personal development and change. Even a cursory perusal of social media streams and print media clearly show that more and more woman today are embracing, or wanting to embrace, their femininity, and take a gentler, softer approach. Last Updated February 16, 2023, 2:53 pm. You may be naturally intense. Dont be too offended if people dont want to answer your questions though, most people will be uneasy about such a deep knowledge seeker. 22. It also means youre more of an open book. Marty Nemko, Ph.D., is a career and personal coach based in Oakland, California, and the author of 10 books. An emotionally intense person is one who feels so strongly and deeply they cant hold it in or hide it. When we minimise the gap between our biology and our environment, we can function properly, perform our best and reach our true potential. When it comes down to it, you dont have time to waste beating around the bush. You have a built-in radar for the real motives behind someones nice behavior. Thats self-sabotage, not softening into nutrition. To share a story close to my heart, one of my friends once volunteered to work for her dream company in her dream role as they had no paid role for her, and then when she proved how amazing and indispensible she was, they created a role for her and she worked her way to the very top over 10 years. Im talking about when someone gets serious all the time. You dont see any value in having banal or pointless conversations, even for playful banter. Remember that despite a style that rubs most people the wrong way, their intentions and often results are at least as worthy as are those of laid-back people. Fear is just another annoying emotion youve chosen to accept and move on from. Some are more quietly intense while others are loud and proud of their passionate natures. Its also probably true. Then more and more research would fly my way about the importance of sleep. I also started looking and feeling more masculine and less feminine with larger biceps and traps and more bulky muscles in general. It wont work. Having such a strong personality is usually OK, but we must be self-aware of what we are. Because intense or not, were all people who deserve to be loved and understood. Intense people do not need or even desire an easy route to success. 1 Some refer to this as having sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS for short. It could be seen as a negative quality if others perceive you as an intimidating person. Intensity can be a force for good. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. Below are 10 things that I have instinctively (rather than intentionally) used that made me soften and tap into my divine feminine over the past few years: 1. You are clinging to your closest connections. I guess what each of these 10 points have in common is this: they are all guiding us to live a life that more closely resembles how we are designed to live. "You're so intense." Im Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. My intensity is who I am. Youre all in, and youd alienate the world to have your friends back. For some, this will be overwhelming. You can be carried away by something beautiful to the point of feeling enraptured. Youre a creative and complex thinker. Its hard for people to pull one over on you because you can tell when someone is being insincere. It is in suppressing and denying feelings that we ultimately lose control, as they are then expressed in far more subtle Softening my view on my body image means that: Hallelujah sister! With these kinds of people, its best to try to avoid engaging in any kind of debate or argument. Your personality is intense and deep conversations are the only thing that satisfies your mind. You also tend to be hyper-sensitive to others attempts at manipulation, calling it out or shamelessly sabotaging their efforts. 17. So, one question generally leads to ten more. People having a misinformed opinion is a big problem in the age of automated sensualized newsfeeds that are stuck in a bubble. "Excuse me. Most intense people know their behavior is unhealthy. You dont waste time trying to please people who dont get you. Its best to recognize the signs before jumping into a relationship, or even friendship with them. Despite the beauty and benefits of your emotional expression, there may be times when you must tone it back. Or you may be that person and wish you could be more fun and social. Dont turn on any artificial white lights at night for a good month and then see the difference to your mood and sleep. You understand that you will undoubtedly experience fear when you try something new, but you also know that trying new things is what makes life fun and rewarding. You are who you are, and thats what makes you unique. I didnt expect this. The point is not the exercise itself but how you approach it. Maybe once you were quick to let people in, but early experiences of betrayal or abuse have made you more cautious. Calm down. 10 Minute Wellness Activities You Can Do Anywhere. It means that I eat 2 to 3 solid nutrient-dense meals a day meals according to the dictates of my hunger. Because of your deep insights, complex inner life, and intuition, you are drawn to spiritual ideas and experiences. Yes, it may feel overwhelming but try to listen for valuable substance, not their style. 26. Authenticityas you see it manifests as consistency. You need to be able to trust that a person you share a relationship with will be there for you for the small things as well as the big. Has anyone ever told you youre too intense? Youre sincere and unafraid to be yourself. Here are 15 signs your personality is so deep that its intimidating others. Intense, quirky people tend to attract other intense, quirky people. Its not a makeup mistake. I love dancing and bopping away to Top 40 but once Im home from work I go into wind down mode. You say exactly what you mean and with conviction. I know that you can make an animal or human insulin resistant simply by sleep depriving it, without changing its diet at all. Putting aside that they are the largest essential oil company in the world, they are the only essential oil company in the world that own all of the farms where their oils are harvested so they have total control and visibility from seed to seal. Some would describe you as clingy. The way you see it, life is just better when your besties are near. Watch out for loud, fast talkers who, even if they ask you a question, never seem to draw breath long enough to hear your answer. Or if you took an intense personality quiz, what are the odds your score would confirm what others have suggested? by Your deep personality requires some maintenance and that means that you dont like surprises. Everyone has their own pace, but busy schedule or not, its important to carve out some down time. If you are described as intense, remember that many others might not always know how to deal with you. Softening the lighting in my house at night with amber lights. Beating yourself up with self talk like How on earth am I going to get through the thousand things I need to do right now; no one is helping me; I cant believe how much laundry is produced by this family; here we go AGAIN with school lunches; what the hell am I going to cook for dinner; why cant anyone pick up after themselves around here; Im such a failure; is this ALL I have achieved in life; nothing I do turns out right; Im never going to find a partner etc etc only serves to make us feel resentful, unhappy and hard. After all, what good is a friend if they dont make your life better? You dont try to hide what youre feeling. Fair enough, too. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Those who feel like they may have an intense personality will need to learn exercises to harness their intensity. These fields play to HSP strengths, including empathy, compassion, and intuitive awareness of others needs. Make sure, if you know someone like this, that they arent asking too much of you. They calm my nervous system and mummys piano temper tantrums have all but subsided. To respond to the following two questions, you may be extra to individuals who are not as intense. 6. These types of people thrive on the pressure a busy schedule gives them and need the intensity of a crammed life to keep going. Theres only one way to slice this loaf of bread: you are too intense for some people. 1. Paying attention to the feeling of the warm water on your body during a shower. Impact. So while most people struggle to get you, when you do meet someone who operates on the same frequency as you, the connection ignites like two burning flames crossing paths. It will fall on deaf ears. This one can seem like a no-brainer, but theres merit Feel and show them respect. In the past I would have slammed the door so hard in Greek style until it shattered into a million pieces making a grand theatrical exit. I was deeply unhappythen I discovered this one Buddhist teaching, How a regular guy became his own life coach (and how you can too), What J.K Rowling can teach us about mental toughness, Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life, 11 traits people with big hearts all share, 10 things socially intelligent people always do, 10 personality traits of a bad boy all women secretly find irresistible, 10 signs youre a happy person who finds joy in everyday life, Are you an old soul? People who enrich me no end. In my day to day life I am making a concerted effort to greet all people like long lost friends with an open heart, a huge smile and a meeting of the minds. I wear what ever I want (usually what makes me feel most comfortable). INFPs tend to rely on the following four cognitive functions: 4 Dominant: Introverted Feeling INFPs experience a great depth of feelings but, as introverts, they typically process these emotions internally. To answer the first one, intense personalities are rooted in the way your mind works and how you process what youre feeling. Growing up, most of us heard adults talk about the right way to communicate and express ourselves. 2: They are not afraid to communicate their opinions and sentiments, even if others dont agree or appreciate them. Softly closing the door on toxic relationships, Frida Gustavsson photographed by Benjamin Vnuk. Then mission accomplished! I replied. Maybe youre around someone like that, and its just too stressful for you. I used to beat myself up about missing a class and fear of instantly blowing up like an air bag. Our very nature is to be soft and feminine, we can better connect with that of! And less feminine with larger biceps and traps and more bulky muscles in general tamp down! Hot cup of coffee not a cause for concern, although you may be extra to individuals who not! You, and intuition, you may be, theyre your tribe from relationships 's... 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