I'm only eighty-two. He is also remembered for "stop-go" economics: first expansion despite the opposition of Thorneycroft and his team, then Selwyn Lloyd's Pay Pause, and then finally the Maudling boom, with Britain's relative economic decline, especially compared to the EEC, becoming clear despite perceptions of consumer "affluence" in the late 1950s. In June 1944 he argued for a British-led thrust up the Ljubljana Gap into Central Europe (Operation "Armpit") instead of the planned diversion of US and Free French forces to the South of France (Operation Dragoon). John Hunt. He noted that the decision represented a break with tradition, and predicted that the snub would rebound on the university. Instead, the resignation of the new candidate at Stockton allowed Macmillan to be re-selected there, and he returned to the House of Commons for his old seat in 1931. So, in the last resort, we must use force and defy opinion, here and overseas".[119]. Macmillan's archives are located at Oxford University's Bodleian Library.[269][270]. 'She was unable to have children herself as a result of an abortion the family made her go through with. It may well be the end of British influence and strength forever. He even tried (in vain) to demand that Salisbury, not Butler, should preside over the Cabinet in Eden's absence. The standard of living had risen enough that workers could participate in a consumer economy, shifting the working class concerns away from traditional Labour Party views. D. R. Thorpe argues that this, coming after the resignations of Labour ministers Aneurin Bevan, John Freeman and Harold Wilson in April 1951 (who had wanted higher expenditure), and the cuts made by Butler and Macmillan as Chancellors in 195556, was another step in the development of "stop-go" economics, as opposed to prudent medium-term management. Yet no whisper of gossip about Dorothy ever escaped from the still tightly-knit establishment. He died in December 1986 at the age of 92; the second longest-lived Prime Minister in British history. Political pressure mounted on the Government, and Macmillan agreed to the 1957 Bank Rate Tribunal. [81], Together with Gladwyn Jebb he helped to negotiate the Italian armistice in August 1943, between the fall of Sicily and the Salerno Landings. [22][23] Promoted to lieutenant on 30 January 1915,[24] he soon transferred to the Grenadier Guards. With his final exams over two years away, he enjoyed an idyllic Trinity (summer) term at Oxford, just before the outbreak of the First World War. [142] Another of Macmillan's ministers, Charles Hill, stated that Macmillan dominated Cabinet meetings "by sheer superiority of mind and of judgement". [129][130], On the evening of 22 November 1956 Butler, who had just announced British withdrawal, addressed the 1922 committee (Conservative backbenchers) with Macmillan. Harold Macmillan ( 10. nora 1894 Chelsea - 29. prosince 1986 Chelwood Gate) byl britsk politik, len Konzervativn strany a premir . [250]:148 Having first inquired whether Argentina was known to have atomic weapons, Macmillan's advice was to appoint a senior military advisor, as Pug Ismay had been in the Second World War (in the event Admiral Lewin, Chief of Defence Staff, performed this role). "Macmillan and the wind of change in Africa, 19571960. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water until he had learnt to swim. [98], Macmillan achieved his housing target by the end of 1953, a year ahead of schedule. He took the title from his former parliamentary seat on the edge of the Durham coalfields, and in his maiden speech in the House of Lords he criticised Thatcher's handling of the coal miners' strike and her characterisation of striking miners as 'the enemy within'. Harold MacMillan: 2volume 2: 1957-1986. '[243], Macmillan accepted the Order of Merit in 1976. [32] As a result, he refused to return to Oxford to complete his degree, saying the university would never be the same;[33] in later years he joked that he had been "sent down by the Kaiser". [71], Macmillan predicted that the Conservatives faced landslide defeat after the war, causing Channon to write (6 Sep 1944) of "the foolish prophecy of that nice ass Harold Macmillan". [5] [page needed] [6] She had an unhappy life, which was blighted by a drinking problem, and died aged only 40, her father outliving her by 16 years. Macmillan visited Greece on 11 December 1944. Nicknamed 'Supermac' and known for his pragmatism, wit and unflappability, Macmillan achieved note before the Second World War as a Tory radical and critic of appeasement. He is forever poised between the clich and the indiscretion. She was convinced not least because she was constantly told so that she. There, Macmillan described the pain he had endured for 45 years over the affair and birth of Sarah, whom he treated as his own until her death in 1970 following a fall. This contrasted with the Treasury ministers who argued that support of sterling required spending cuts and, probably, a rise in unemployment. '[254]:188. He sensed the British were inevitably closely linked to the Americans. She said to me once: 'People say I'm unfaithful but I've always been faithful to Bob.'. Her husband, who was created Earl of Stockton in 1984, outlived her by 20 years. In October 1942 Harold Nicolson recorded Macmillan as predicting "extreme socialism" after the war. Their advice was rejected and in January 1958 the three Treasury ministersPeter Thorneycroft, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Birch, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, and Enoch Powell, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury and seen as their intellectual ringleaderresigned. After the Skybolt Crisis undermined the Anglo-American strategic relationship, he sought a more active role for Britain in Europe, but his unwillingness to disclose United States nuclear secrets to France contributed to a French veto of the United Kingdom's entry into the European Economic Community. [128] On 14 September 1944 Macmillan was appointed Chief Commissioner of the Allied Central Commission for Italy (in succession to General Macfarlane). [143] Macmillan frequently made allusions to history, literature and the classics at cabinet meetings, giving him a reputation as being both learned and entertaining, though many ministers found his manner too authoritarian. Although scientists had warned of the dangers of such an accident for some time, the government blamed the workers who had put out the fire for 'an error of judgement', rather than the political pressure for fast-tracking the megaton bomb. Macmillan had further meetings with Aldrich and Winston Churchill after Eden left for Jamaica (23 November) while briefing journalists (disingenuously) that he planned to retire and go to the Lords. Now, you have a real leader. He was a member of the British delegation to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe from 1949 to 1951, and played a prominent role - as a key aide and ally of Sir Winston Churchill - in pressing for greater European integration as a bulwark against Soviet totalitarianism and to prevent a recurrence of the horrors of Nazi rule. Edward Heath (1970-1974): Her Majesty and Heath's relationship was a difficult one, particularly because their views differed immensely. [211] To help reduce the expenses of the war, Macmillan appealed to the Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies to send troops to defend Malaysia. [256], Macmillan is widely supposed to have likened Thatcher's policy of privatisation to 'selling the family silver'. [236] His service in the House of Commons totalled 37 years. Sterling was draining out of the Bank of England at an alarming rate, and it was getting worse. . In any case, these were far more modest times. Lord Hailsham, the former Lord Chancellor, believes the law should be changed to protect people's privacy: politicians or anyone else. The Profumo affair directly contributed to Macmillan's departure from 10 Downing Street in October 1963,. [4] He led the Conservatives to success in 1959 with an increased majority. . Despite the hostility of large sections of British and American opinion, who were sympathetic to the guerillas and hostile to what was seen as imperialist behaviour, he persuaded a reluctant Churchill, who visited Athens later in the month, to accept Archbishop Damaskinos as Regent on behalf of the exiled King George II. This was in the late Fifties - there was a general election coming up - and people were terrified that the scandal might damage Macmillan. [203] It is considered a landmark in the process of decolonisation. In Southeast Asia, Malaya, Sabah (British North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore became independent as Malaysia in 1963. But human sexuality is notoriously hard to regulate, and the fear of being found out does not guarantee faithful husbands, nor does fidelity necessarily make for happy wives. It is pointless and we cannot afford that kind of thing. Losing his seat in 1929, he regained it in 1931, soon after which he spoke out against the high rate of unemployment in Stockton-on-Tees. [46] The stress caused by that may have contributed to Macmillan's nervous breakdown in 1931. Once, when I got engaged to an American heiress, she pursued me from Chatsworth to Paris and from Paris to Lisbon. [38] The engagement of Captain Macmillan to the Duke's daughter Lady Dorothy was announced on 7 January 1920. [148], During his time as prime minister, average living standards steadily rose[149] while numerous social reforms were carried out. "He had style in abundance, (and) was a star on the world stage". [209] In his diary, Macmillan called Sukarno "a cross between Liberace and Little Lord Fauntleroy". Betts, Lewis David. ; and because of the Maclean-Burgess affair of 1951 the Americans believed the British government was full of Soviet spies and thus could not be trusted. [242], Macmillan made occasional political interventions in retirement. Rising to high office as a . [139], He became President of the Carlton Club in 1977 and would often stay at the club when he had to stay in London overnight. Macmillan initially was concerned that the Irish-American Catholic Kennedy might be an Anglophobe, which led Macmillan, who knew of Kennedy's special interest in the Third World, to suggest that Britain and the United States spend more money on aid to the Third World. [67], Macmillan at last attained office by serving in the wartime coalition government as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply from 1940. He made the famous 'wind of change' speech in Cape Town on 3 February 1960. He was wounded many times during the battle of the Somme. The campaign cost him about 200-300 out of his own pocket;[55] at that time candidates were often expected to fund their own election campaigns. In his speech of July 1957 he told the nation it had 'never had it so good',[3] but warned of the dangers of inflation, summing up the fragile prosperity of the 1950s. [200] The most problematic of the colonies was the Central African Federation, which had united Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland together in 1953 largely out of the fear that the white population of Southern Rhodesia (modern Zimbabwe) might want to join South Africa, which had since 1948 had been led by Afrikaner nationalists distinctly unfriendly to Britain. [167], Macmillan saw an opportunity to increase British influence over the United States with the launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik, which caused a severe crisis of confidence in the United States as Macmillan wrote in his diary: "The Russian success in launching the satellite has been something equivalent to Pearl Harbour. [10], Macmillan received an intensive early education, closely guided by his American mother. John Gray, 'Accident disclosures bring calls for review of U.K. secrecy laws'. He settled for spending cuts instead, and himself threatened resignation until he was allowed to cut bread and milk subsidies, something the Cabinet had not permitted Butler to do.[113]. I really haven't a clue how to set about the job". "[237] Outlawed African National Congress president Oliver Tambo sent his condolences: 'As South Africans we shall always remember him for his efforts to encourage the apartheid regime to bow to the winds of change that continue to blow in South Africa. [27], Macmillan spent the final two years of the war in hospital undergoing a long series of operations. From left to right, former British Prime Ministers Lord Avon and Harold Macmillan with current Prime Minister Edward Heath at the Savoy Hotel in. Lady Catherine Macmillan; Sarah Heath; Spouse: Lady Dorothy Macmillan (1920-1966) Work location: London; Award received: Four Freedoms Award - Freedom Medal; Lady Dorothy was also descended from William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire, who served as Prime Minister from 1756 to 1757 in communion with Newcastle and Pitt the Elder. [59], In 1936, Macmillan proposed the creation of a cross-party forum of antifascists to create democratic unity but his ideas were rejected by the leadership of both the Labour and Conservative parties. [57], Macmillan spent the 1930s on the backbenches. Macmillan rode in a tank and was under sniper fire at the British Embassy. Macmillan was born on 10 February 1894, at 52 Cadogan Place in Chelsea, London, to Maurice Crawford Macmillan (18531936), a publisher, and his wife, the former Helen (Nellie) Artie Tarleton Belles (18561937), an artist and socialite from Spencer, Indiana. Byl pragmatickm politikem, ped druhou svtovou vlkou kritizoval appeasement a do vysok politiky se dostal jako chrnnec Winstona Churchilla. In 1929, Lady Dorothy began a lifelong affair with the Conservative politician Robert Boothby, an arrangement that scandalised high society but remained unknown to the general public. [6] Following his resignation, Macmillan lived out a long retirement as an elder statesman, being an active member of the House of Lords in his final years. He rose to high office during the Second World War as a protg of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. [92], Macmillan indeed lost Stockton in the landslide Labour victory of July 1945, but returned to Parliament in the November 1945 by-election in Bromley. Eden appointed Duff Cooper as Representative to the Free French government in Algeria (after the liberation of mainland France, he later continued as Ambassador to France from November 1944) and Noel Charles as Ambassador to Italy to reduce Macmillan's influence. September 1957 Lord Hailsham succeeds Lord Home as Lord President, Home remaining Commonwealth Relations Secretary. He supported the welfare state and the necessity of a mixed economy with some nationalised industries and strong trade unions. Macmillan is best remembered for the "affluent society", which he inherited rather than created in the late 1950s, but chancellors came and went and by the early 1960s economic policy was "nothing short of a shambles", while his achievements in foreign policy made little difference to the lives of the public. The Ambassador David Ormsby-Gore was a close family friend of the President and actively involved in White House discussions on how to resolve the crisis. [246], Macmillan found himself drawn more actively into politics after Margaret Thatcher became Conservative leader in February 1975. I am sure they will be more efficient. [265] Macmillan's estate was assessed for probate on 1 June 1987, with a value of 51,114 (equivalent to 152,955 in 2021[266]). 35253 Eisenhower said these words in a meeting with Treasury Secretary, OCR A Level History B: The End of Consensus: Britain 194590 by Pearson Education. [145] His One Nation approach to the economy was to seek high or full employment, especially with a general election looming. encouraged Eden to attack in order to destroy him as Prime Minister), noting that Macmillan privately put the chances of success at 5149. During World War One he served with the Grenadier Guards, attaining the rank of Captain. [217], President Kennedy visited Macmillan's country home, Birch Grove, on 2930 June 1963, for talks about the planned Multilateral Force. Immediate Family: Daughter of Harold Macmillan, 1st Earl of Stockton, OM, PC and Dorothy Evelyn Macmillan. In particular, the railway system must be modelled to meet current needs, and the modernisation plan must be adapted to this new shape",[note 1] and with the premise that the railways should be run as a profitable business. His age was 92 years and 322 daysthe greatest age attained by a British Prime Minister until surpassed by Lord Callaghan on 14 February 2005. [97] In July 1953 Macmillan considered postponing his gall bladder operation in case Churchill, who had just suffered a serious stroke while Eden was also in hospital, had to step down. in the House of Commons Chamber. ', Something else has changed, according to one relative of the pair: 'People then didn't want to ruin each others' lives. Time passed, the physical passion between Boothby and Dorothy faded (though she continued to write letters and telephone him every day) and gradually they settled down, with Harold, into a menage a trois. For the replacement for Blue Steel he opted for Britain to join the American Skybolt missile project. [28] He was still on crutches on Armistice Day, 11 November 1918. [18][pageneeded] He served with distinction and was wounded on three occasions. Jean McSorley, 'Contaminated evidence: The secrecy and political cover-ups that followed the fire in a British nuclear reactor 50 years ago still resonate in public concerns'. Profitable parts of the steel industry and the railways had been privatised, along with British Telecom: 'They were like two Rembrandts still left.'[257]. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? [64] He supported the independent candidate, Lindsay, at the Oxford by-election. Macmillan had opposed Eden's trip to Jamaica and told Butler (15 December, the day after Eden's return) that younger members of the Cabinet wanted Eden out. If they were reasonably discreet, their private lives remained a matter for themselves and their immediate circle. Brendan Bracken advised him not to quit. The Egyptian nationalisation of the Suez Canal by Nasser on 26 July 1956 prompted the British government and the French government of Guy Mollet to commence plans for invading Egypt, regaining the canal, and toppling Nasser. Many of the salacious revelations about the sex lives of "Establishment" figures during the Profumo affair damaged the image of "the Establishment" that Macmillan was seen as a part of, giving him the image by 1963 of a "failing representative of a decadent elite". His affair with Lady Macmillan is said to have lasted nearly 30 years, ending only with her death in 1966. On 3 February 1960, Harold Macmillan famously gave a speech to South Africa's parliament during a 6-week tour of 'British Africa'. By the time he left office, largely unlamented at the time, he was associated not with prosperity but with "anachronism and decay". [190] The meeting in Key West was very tense as Macmillan was heard to mutter "He's pushing me hard, but I won't give way". [77] At the Casablanca Conference Macmillan helped to secure US acceptance, if not recognition, of the Free French leader Charles de Gaulle. A family rumour that Boothby was her natural father has been discounted by the most recent and detailed study. [133], Butler later recorded that during his period as acting Head of Government at Number Ten, he noticed constant comings and goings of ministers to Macmillan's study in Number 11 next doorand that those who attended all seemed to receive promotions when Macmillan became Prime Minister. After the war he joined his family book-publishing business, then entered Parliament at the 1924 general election. [10] Campbell suggests that Macmillan's humiliation was first a major cause of his odd and rebellious behaviour in the 1930s then, in subsequent decades, made him a harder and more ruthless politician than his rivals Eden and Butler. [221] The following month Harold Wilson was elected as the new Labour leader, and he proved to be a popular choice with the public. [264] Thatcher said: "In his retirement Harold Macmillan occupied a unique place in the nation's affections", while Labour leader Neil Kinnock struck a more critical note: "Death and distance cannot lend sufficient enchantment to alter the view that the period over which he presided in the 1950s, while certainly and thankfully a period of rising affluence and confidence, was also a time of opportunities missed, of changes avoided. [142] Many ministers found Macmillan to be more decisive and brisk than either Churchill or Eden had been. The fact that it never became public was a tribute to the docility and decorum of the press and to the ability of politicians and society to close ranks against outside scrutiny. [95] 'It is a gambleit will make or mar your political career,' Churchill said, 'but every humble home will bless your name if you succeed. [141] Macmillan's Defence Minister, Duncan Sandys, wrote at the time: "Eden had no gift for leadership; under Macmillan as PM everything is better, Cabinet meetings are quite transformed". In 1936, Harold and his brother Daniel took control of the firm, with the former focusing on the political and non-fiction side of the business. Transatlantic Antifascisms: From the Spanish Civil War to the End of World War II. Macmillan was the last British prime minister born during the Victorian era, the last to have served in the First World War and the last to receive a hereditary peerage. [25] He fought on the front lines in France, where the casualty rate was high, as was the probability of an "early and violent death". [47] He was often treated with condescension by his aristocratic in-laws and was observed to be a sad and isolated figure at Chatsworth in the 1930s. Channon commented (29 May 1940) that there was "some amusement over Harold Macmillan's so obvious enjoyment of his new position". He loved her - and in any case, divorce was unthinkable for both family and political reasons. His disapproval handicapped Boothby's political prospects enormously. [21], Volunteering as soon as war was declared, Macmillan was commissioned as a temporary second lieutenant in the King's Royal Rifle Corps on 19 November 1914. The affair ended only with Dorothy's death in 1966. [201] After securing a third term for the Conservatives in 1959 he appointed Iain Macleod as Colonial Secretary. She was captivated by Boothby's charm and sophistication; he was flattered by her attentions, which quickly developed into an overwhelming and lifelong obsession. His book The Middle Way appeared in June 1938, advocating a broadly centrist political philosophy both domestically and internationally. January 1958 Derick Heathcoat Amory succeeds Peter Thorneycroft as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Within a few months of becoming President he merged the Carlton and Junior Carlton. From the same year Macmillan permitted the US Navy to station Polaris submarines at Holy Loch, Scotland, as a replacement for Thor. [121] On 5 August 1956 Macmillan met Churchill at Chartwell, and told him that the government's plan for simply regaining control of the canal was not enough and suggested involving Israel, recording in his diary for that day: "Surely, if we landed we must seek out the Egyptian forces; destroy them; and bring down Nasser's government. [76] Macmillan told Crossman: "We, my dear Crossman, are the Greeks in the American empire. [143] Selwyn Lloyd described Macmillan as treating most of his ministers like "junior officers in a unit he commanded". This contributed to the Windscale fire on the night of 10 October 1957, which broke out in the plutonium plant of Pile No. Britannica Quiz. 'Sarah looked very much like Boothby and there's no doubt he was her father. In October 1963 he disclaimed his peerages for life, took the name Sir Alec Douglas-Home, and succeeded Harold Macmillan as prime minister during a Conservative Party crisis, the most spectacular feature of which was an adultery scandal involving John Dennis Profumo, secretary of state for war from 1960 to 1963. Macleod greatly accelerated decolonisation and by the time he was moved to Conservative Party chairman and Leader of the Commons in 1961 he had made the decision to give independence to Nigeria, Tanganyika, Kenya, Nyasaland (as Malawi) and Northern Rhodesia (as Zambia). Boothby was a beguiling character, of course . In one respect, things today are better then they were. [168] The "revolutionary" change that Macmillan sought was a more equal Anglo-American partnership as he used the Sputnik "crisis" to press Eisenhower to in turn press Congress to repeal the 1946 MacMahon Act, which forbade the United States to share nuclear technology with foreign governments, a goal accomplished by the end of 1957. Vlkou kritizoval appeasement a do vysok politiky se dostal jako chrnnec Winstona Churchilla Africa, 19571960 Street in October Harold..., these were far more modest times with an increased majority to the Windscale fire on the World stage.... The age of 92 ; the second World War as a replacement for Blue Steel opted... 22 ] [ pageneeded ] he supported the independent candidate, Lindsay, at the Oxford by-election 29. prosince Chelwood! ] in his diary, Macmillan accepted the Order of Merit in 1976 over... Library. [ 119 ] the Spanish Civil War to the Americans, when I engaged... 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