The Wiki page for each of the historical provinces of Germany, containing more detail about online records, and a map of Regional Churches can be found later in this article. If you find a surname in the list that is of interest to you, send a query to: Eileen Swanberg(<== Click HERE) about that surname, along with the Member number (s) from the search results. In some small way, we have become another family. Military churches in garrison towns and cities often kept their own records separate from other parishes. In the 1980s, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, the Mormon church) made copies of these microfilm records. Through the numerous American Gottscheer clubs such as the Gottscheer Heritage and Almost every village had at least one helps you locate the village with the highest percentage of a particular surname. For more information, see Parish Register Inventories and Germany Church Directories. In some areas the records are in government archives so those areas are listed separately in the table. Geni requires JavaScript! three things: the microfilm records of baptisms, burials and marriages in the catholic church as made In addition, church records can contain financial account books, (they record charges for toll bells, fees for masses for the dead, and so on), lists of confirmation, penance register, communion lists, lists of members and the family register. If the person offering the information These microfilm records are available through a local Family History Library of the Mormon church. The books are compiled from The Index can be sorted by surnames, village of origin in Gottschee, and their address in the U.S. The information in family registers was compiled from other church books or obtained from the head of the household, and it is subject to error. You may view the available forms in a new window by clicking on the links of your preferred format Or you can download (save files to your computer) by Right-Clicking on them instead, then choosing "Save as". U.S. and state census records are an excellent source for the many Gottscheers who emigrated from Gottschee in the late 1800s and early 1900s. That connection needs to be kept and never changed. In general, you will need to know the religion of your ancestors as different religions kept separate records. //]]> For more information regarding restrictions for FamilySearch Historical Record Collections, click on the "Learn more" link found on each collection details page. Look for word matches in books, stories & newspapers, etc. Surnames are in alphabetical order, with the name of the villages where the surname was found in various records. They list the church records, their location, and the years they cover. For information about records for non-Christian religions in Germany, go to the Religious Records page. Click next to any heading to sort by that heading. It may be used to contact other members who are interested in the same surnames or geographic regions (directly contacting other members of the GGG is a Members Only feature). from age 45 to 90. Death: 3 Nov . Indexes are usually found at the beginning or end of the record. See Finding Parish Registers for Germany Areas Now in Other Countries for more in depth information about researching in those areas. It is a simple Deciphering German Handwriting by Amelia M. Schiller. Edit your search or learn more, Year start date must be less than year end date, xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, Do not sell or share my personal information. Topographisch-statistisch-historisches Comptoir-, Amts-, Post-, Reise- und Zeitungs- Lexikon von Deutschland, eine vollstndige deutsche Landes-, Volks- und Staatskunde. life of these ancestors, what their homes were like and how their families occupied If a couple needed to get married quickly, permission to skip the proclamations could be obtained for a fee. alphabetical sorting easier. Use the following Guides to help locate Family Registers specific to the area where your ancestors lived: Baden, Germany, Church Record Family Register 1500-1874 Guide. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. GHGA maintains its own Church record inventories are essential tools for finding German records. In the book, Gottschee: Family Record Research Using the LDS Microfilms, the researcher has in one location a list of the microfilm numbers which covers a particular parish and what type of records (birth, marriage, death, family books) are on A list of villages within each parish is also provided. This collection is an index to the names found in the ecclesiatical records. Gottschee refers to a former German-speaking language island centered around the city of Gottschee in Unterkrain (Lower Carniola) and largely coterminous with the borders of the early nineteenth-century (pre-1850) District of Gottschee. themselves. Note: To expand the collapsed table, click "show" in the Slovene column header. Slovene Vital records most commonly refer to records such as birth and death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills and the like. Some confirmation registers merely list: Other confirmation registers give additional information about those being confirmed, including: Some parishes kept family registers that give information about each family group in the parish. When you find his or her birth record, search for the births of brothers and sisters. The table is sortable. Due to the size of the the LDS Microfilms, and. Published in Excel format, the index lists the names of Gottscheers living in the U.S. published in the Gottscheer Gedenkbuch 1330-1947 by the Gottscheer Relief Association, compiled by John Kikel. Information about parents, birth dates, and birthplaces may be inaccurate, depending on the informant's knowledge. Effective use of church records includes the following strategies: Evangelical Lutheran (Protestant) Parish Addresses, Visiting State and Central Church Archives, Last edited on 29 December 2022, at 14:19, Baden, Germany, Church Record Family Register 1500-1874 Guide, Germany Town Genealogies and Parish Register Inventories on the Internet, Die Maus, Index to Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bremen Church Books, FamilySearch Historical Records Brandenburg and Posen, FamilySearch Historical Records Pomerania (Pommern), Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), Evangelical Central Archive in Berlin (EZAB), Overview of Marriage Laws and Customs (handout),, Kurhessen-Waldeck (Hesse-Kassel and Waldeck). Taufens are Baptismals Heiraten are Marriages Tote are Deaths Familienbuch are Family Book Proklamationen are Marriage Proclamations Altlag Parish Old age was given as the cause of death in people This booklet is a description of Max Misches visit to his homeland of Gottschee in 1994. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. FamilySearch Catalog, FamilySearch Historical Records Brandenburg and Posen These registers list: Children are usually listed in chronological order with their: In some registers, when a child married and remained in the same parish, the register gives a see page reference and a page number where that particular child appears as the head of a household. They are listed in the Place Search of the FamilySearch Catalog under: Suggestions about how to write to local parishes for genealogical information are given in the German Letter Writing Guide. The following details may be found: The indexed records are based on older microfilms of the holdings in the administrative archives in Erfurt. Find resources in our German Research Center. If the records you need are not online, you may find baptism, marriage, and burial records by contacting or visiting German parishes. At some point it Selling them for $35 each for the time and effort they do take to copy. It is sometimes difficult to believe that Agnitsch | Altenreither | Ambrosch | Anderkohl | Andolshek | Anschlowar | Ante | Arch | Arko | Asmann | Asoli |Auersperg | Aupitsch | Autschin, Bablas | Bach | Bachmaier | Bambitsch, Bambic | Banitsch | Barbitsch | Bartelme | Barthol | Bauer | Bautscher | Bohin | Belai | Belan | Beljon | Bencina, Bencin | Binder | Berec | Bizal | Blasch | Blatnik | Bobjatsch | Bobner, Wobner | Boiz | Boltesar | Bradatsch | Braune | Breser, Bresser | Brinskelle, Wrinskelle | Brischke | Brodgesell | Brustmann | Buchte | Bukowitz | Burger | Butscher, Capelari | Cebin | Cekoll, Zhekoll | Cetinski | Cian | Cimperc | Cuk, Darowitsch | Deboschek | Dejak | Detzl | Deutschmann | Diez, Dietz | Dobelak|Dolar | Dornig | Drobnitsch | Drfeld | Dulzer | Duzzi, Ecker | Eisenzopf | Engele | Eppich | Erjavec | Erker | Erler | Erschen, Fabian | Falkner | Fartely | Fellacher | Fifolt | Fink | Fitz | Flack | Formanek | Fornbacher | Frank | Freiburger | Fritz | Fritzel | Fuchs | Fugina | Frer, Ganslmaier | Gasparitsch | Gerbetz, Gerbitz | Gerbitsch | Gerdaschitsch | Gerger | Glad | Gladitsch | Glatz | Gliebe | Gode | Gderer | Gole | Gstel, Gestel | Grabner | Grais | Gramer | Gregoritsch | Greisch | Grill | Grtschmann | Gruber | Grnseich | Gusitsch | Gutschek, Haas | Haberle | Hace | Handler | Hauff | Hegenbart | Herbst | Hiris | Hirsch | Hocevar | Hfferle | Hoffmann | Hoge | Hgler, Hegler | Hnigmann | Horvat | Hribar, Hriber | Huber | Hudolin | Hutter, Jaklitsch | Jakomini | Jakopin | Jaksche | Janesch | Jaworek | Jelenc | Jellen | Jencic | Jerman | Jesche | Jeschelnig | Jonke | Juran | Juray | Jurkowitsch | Jurmann, Kadunz | Kaifesch | Kalitsch | Kaltschich | Kaltz | Kamme | Kapsch | Kapun | Karoschetz | Karsche | Kastinger | Katsch | Kautsky | Keische, Kesche | Kemperle | Kerbisch | Kersche | Kikel, Kickel | Kinast | Kinkopf | Klamnik | Klaric | Klemen | Klementitsch, Klementschitsch | Klemm | Klenhart | Klun | Knapfel | Knaus | Knspler | Kobe | Kobetitsch | Kabola | Kofler | Kohar | Kokoschinek | Kolac | Kolar | Kollmann | Kommuzi | Knig | Konte | Kordisch| Koritnik | Koren | Korschitz | Kosar | Koschak | Koschel | Koscher |Koschier | Ksel | Kosler | Kosmerl | Kosneck | Kstner | Kotar | Kotnik | Kotze | Kowatsch | Kowatschitsch | Kraic | Kraker | Kral, Krall | Kramaritsch | Kramer | Kraschowitz | Krasowitz | Kratschwil | Krauland | Kraus | Kreiner | Kren | Kresse | Kreuz | Kreuzmaier | Krisch | Krische | Krivetz | Krobath | Kromar | Kropf | Kropfitsch | Krpfl | Kukitz | Kull | Kump | Kurre | Kuruzar | Kusold | Kusole | Kuznik, Lackner | Ladicha | Lampeter | Lauritsch | Ledenig | Leinert | Leschitsch | Lesjak | Lesser | Leustig | Levsteg | Lipowitz | Lobe | Lobisser | Locker | Loger | Lokac | Lorber | Lorenz | Loretitsch | Loschin | Loschke | Loser | Loske | Loy | Lube | Luhn |Lukan | Lunder | Luscher | Lustig, Macher | Maichin | Maierle | Majestic | Majetitsch | Makarutti | Maksche | Mallner | Mallneritsch | Mams | Mandelz | Mantel | Marek | Marintsch | Marinzel | Marn | Martin | Maruschitsch | Mataja | Mateka | Matzelle | Maurin | Maurowitsch | Mausser | Mawetz | Meditz | Meisel | Melz | Merwer | Metlikowitsch | Michaljewitsch | Michelitsch | Michitsch | Miede | Mihalic | Miklitsch | Mikolitsch | Mille | Mische | Modic, Moditz | Mohar | Montel | More | Morscher | Morwein | Moschner | Muchitsch | Muchowitsch | Mule | Murn | Muschler, Nadler | Naglitsch | Nezitsch | Nick | Niese | Nossan | Notsch | Nowak, Novak, Obaidin | Ofak | Orazem | Osanitsch | Ostermann | Oswald, Pachinger | Palese | Paltschitsch | Pangretitsch | Panter | Papesch | Paar | Parthe | Paulin | Paulitsch | Pausche | Pavlitschek | Payer | Peinitsch | Peitler | Pelegrini | Pelitsch | Pelz | Perko | Perleschnik | Permoser | Persche | Perz | Peschl | Pestl | Petaln | Petronowitsch | Petschauer | Petsche | Petschiak | Pettin | Pezdirz, Presdirz | Pfeffrer | Pfeifer | Pibernik | Pickert | Pinter | Piritsch | Piskur | Pirnat | Pirstel | Pirstitz | Pirzel | Pitzel | Plesch | Plesche | Pleschinger | Plut | Pojlajen | Podlogar | Pogelschek | Pogorelz | Poje | Polde | Politto | Poreber, Pureber | *Porotsch | Porte | Porupski | Posnik | Pospischil | Pototschar | Pousche | Preiditsch | Prenner, Brenner | Primosch | Princic | Pust | Putre, Puttre, Rabitsch | Rabuse | Rack | Rade | Radischinski | Radovic | Radske | Raker | Ramor | Rankel | Ranzinger | Rapinz | Raschke | Ratschki | Rauch | Recher | Reimann | Reischl | Reiter | Ribitsch | Riegler | Roditsch | Rogale | Rom | Roschitsch| Rossi |Rossmann | Rotenhauser | Roth | Rthel | Rovan | Rupartschitsch | Ruppe | Russ, Sajowitz | Salaba | Saletl | Samida | Satter | Sbaschnig | Schadinger | Schaffer | Schager | Schauer | Scheger | Schemitsch | Schemitz | Scherzer | Scheschareg | Scheschark | Schifrer | Schimitsch | Schinko | Schiwatz | Schlaff, Schlaf | Schlaun | Schleimer | Schlenz | Schlinderer | Schlindra | Schmalz | Schmidt | Schmuck | Schuscha | Schneider | Schniderschitz | Schober | Schrei | Schuschmerl | Schuschtar | Schuss | Schuster | Schusteritsch | Schusterschitz | Schutte | Schwasnik | Schweiger |Sdrawitsch | Sebal | Sedar, Seder | Sedler | Seitz | Seljak | Sieder, Sider| Sigmund, Siegmund | Simoninc | Simorada | Skedl | Skender | Skerbin |Skiber | Skock | Skof | Skoupil | Skube | Skubitz | Skufza | Slantz | Sliber| Smergut | Smole | Sobetz | Sorger | Sowitsch | Spiletitsch | Spiski |Spitznagel | Sporer | Spreitzer | Springer | Stalzer | Stampfel | Stangel | Stanic | Staudacher | Stefandl | Steinacher | Sterbenz | Sterle | Sternole | Stieblei | Stiene | Stimitz, Stimetz | Stimpfel | *Stimpfl | Stonitsch | Straub | Strgule | Stritzel | Struna | Sturm | Suchadobnik | Sumperer | Suppan | Suppanz | Suppantischitsch | Srge | Swaschnig | Swetitsch, Tanke | Tomele | Terasch | Testin | Thaler | Thellian | Tischan | Tittmann | Tolg | Tomaschek | Tomitsch | Tomitz | Torbar | Tramposch | Trocha | Trocher| Troja | Troje | Trost | Truger | Tschampa | Tschepitsch | Tscheppin |Tscherne | Tschernkowitsch Tschetschelski | Tschinkel | Tschopp | Tuma | Turk | Turanski | Turski | Tuschek, Uhan | Ule | Ulzar | Uran | Urbantschitsch | Urbicher | Urbisch | Urek, Valentischitsch | Vavken | Venchiarutti | Vendig | Verderber | Vivodinar | Vogel | Voglin | Vogrin | Vrtatschitsch, Waletitsch | Wallisch | Weber | Weiss | Welz | *Wetz | Wenetitsch | Wessel | Widmer | Widerwohl | Windischmann | Wittine | Wittreich | Woldin | Wolf | Wondrak | Wrinskelle | Wuchse | Wuchte, Zabukowetz | Zadnik | Zagar, Zager | Zalta | Zanski | Zele | Zhekoll,Zekoll| Zherne, Zerne | *Ziegelfest | Zima | Zimmermann | Zimpritsch | Zose | Zurl Zwar | Zwickle, // You can search by Surname OR by Germany Area (NOT BOTH), //