Is the Earth's frequency speeding up? Thanks for that article . For example, by cutting down forests, we have exposed more of the Earth's surface to sunlight. The Schumann resonance electric field amplitude (~300 microvolts per meter) is much smaller than the static fair-weather electric field (~150 V/m) in the atmosphere.[24]. [36], Their work, which combined both observations and energy conservation arguments, convinced many scientists of the importance of the ionospheric day-night asymmetry and inspired numerous experimental studies. All data and theoretical models comply with a Schumann resonance, the second eigenmode of which was observed by the Huygens probe. These bolts are a source of radio waves, which make the atmosphere ring at the Schumann resonant frequencies. I have hear many explanations regarding just what makes this sound that has been emerging worldwide over the past decade or so. A healthy endocannabinoid system is critical to the human bodys immune functions. Some called it the earth's "heart-beat". Lightning discharges are considered to be the primary natural source of Schumann resonance excitation; lightning channels behave like huge antennas that radiate electromagnetic energy at frequencies below about 100kHz. [14], The real Earthionosphere waveguide is not a perfect electromagnetic resonant cavity. Frequency increaes down the way, starting with 0Hz at the top. However, when exposed to waves above 8Hz, this communication no longer happens. Totally agree with you. Musically, 8 Hz forms the groundwork for 432 Hz. Instead, it wobbles irregularly over time, drifting toward North America throughout most of the 20th Century (green arrow). Spaceweather reported the same day on intense lightning storms across the southwest USA, which would very probably be linked to this surge in activity. Around the Earth, there are roughly two thousand lightning storms at any given period of time,producing around 50 flashes of lightning every second. -th mode RELATED: LIGHTNING MAY ACTUALLY PROTECT LIVING ORGANISMS. on Facebook, Share Is the Earths heartbeat of 7.83 Hz influencing human behavior? Not only is our planetary spin not normal for natural planetary accretion principles to take place, but our magnetic fields axis is 11 degrees off in the opposite direction as well. What if the voice of Lucifer and the frequency of the Antichrist broadcast at 6.66 hertz? The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5Hz intervals (as may be seen by feeding numbers into the formula), a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry. It is now believed that many of the Schumann resonances transients (Q bursts) are related to the transient luminous events (TLEs). It hasnt but, there has been increased power at these upper harmonics. Suddenly the baseline frequency of 7.83 Hz starting increasing and went up to spikes at 15 -25 Hz levels. Glad to have validation for what I have been feeling. The Schumann Resonances are tangible, measurable phenomena. Such frequencies have wrapped earth's biosphere since its inception. Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and . Scientific research shows that our DNA acts as an antenna to these sources. Anyway, I appreciated the eeg correlates its quite a romantic notion that mother earth is truly raising our level of consciousness. Since then, they have recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change. [49] It appears that only the first Schumann resonance mode might be detectable on Titan. [citation needed], Observations of Schumann resonances have been used to track global lightning activity. Some believe a spike in the resonance can influence people and animals, while a reversal may also be possible, where human consciousness can both be impacted by and itself impact the Schumann Resonances. Awesome very interesting ! Id like to ask you all to go and do your own research into the Schumann Resonances. Orbital wobbles, plate tectonics, evolutionary changes and other factors have sent the planet in and out of ice ages. Well have to watch and see. So silent, in fact, that the Earth has quite literally stilleda reduction in the hum of human. No matter Where , What we call our Soul Goes . Although mathematical tools for dealing with spherical waveguides were developed in 1918 by G. N. Watson, the theoretical aspects of global resonances were not substantively studied beforeWinfried Otto Schumann's work in 1952-1954. Due to the recent interest in Titan, associated with the CassiniHuygens mission, its ionosphere is perhaps the most thoroughly modeled today. In Keylontic Science, there is branch within this massive body of knowledge that is called Merkaba Mechanics or electro-magnetic vortex mechanics. 1. The first astronauts who have flown in space have suffered serious health problems due to the lack of Schumann resonance. There is an explanation that has not been made yet and which just might have something to do with this. If stars and galaxies are travelling away from us, the apparent frequency of the light they emit decreases and their colour will move towards the red end of the spectrum. It seems to be a common belief that, as planetary shifts occur, the Earths Schumann resonance is changing. Whilst I agree that a Pole shift is on the cards, the physically observable data shows that the fundamental Schumann frequency isnt changing that was the point of the above article. While they'd been predicted in 1952, Schumann resonances were first measured reliably in the early 1960s. Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. And COCOON users have reported benefits including Reduced stress Improved vitality/energy levels Improved athletic performance Faster recovery time Optimal sleep quality Better focus The 'sweet spot' for creating this resonance is when the wave is as long or longer than the circumference of Earth. A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3Hz through 60Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83Hz (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8Hz.[4]. 3; Changes in the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events. Some more plausible than others. Since the landing of the Huygens probe on Titan's surface in January 2005, there have been many reports on observations and theory of an atypical Schumann resonance on Titan. The ancient Science of the Shields. Other spikes are caused by equatorial coronal holes ejecting field lines into Earths electromagnetic cavity when Earth passes directly across them. In 1995, Boccippio et al. The Earth Gaia is as conscious as you and I and we are made of the same elements as her-Fire,Water,Air,Earth and the Aether of ALL.We have begun a new cycle back to the 5th dimension-the frequency of Unconditional Love and Light The Earth is conscious and will not be denied. 1 2; Increases in ocean temperatures, sea level, and acidity. The 7.8Hz frequency is not increasing in intensity but rather the energy is shifting to the 14Hz frequency whereas the 7.8Hz frequency will lower in intensity. I have trouble understanding how this correlation would have been documented. The Mysterious Black Knight Satellite - Who Really Owns It? By this logic, a sudden source of global stress that produces worldwide tension would be able to change the resonances. I told you to hang on to your foil hat. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability. August 9, 2021 at 6:47 pm. This time if we survive it will be different, *IF* we survivewatching the events that are unfolding throughout the world makes me question whether we, as a species, are going to be able to survive. Thank you for posting this article. Similar results were obtained by Pechony et al. act in resonance with each other to increase the original signal. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its So, what is changing? The Schumann resnances is considered vital for human health. Schumann resonance observations made from Europe show a greater contribution from Asia than from South America, while observations made from North America indicate the dominant contribution comes from South America. Price [2000][47] suggested that changes in the UTWV can be derived from records of Schumann resonances. There's also the belief among some New Age proponents that an increase in these resonant frequencies could affect humanity as a whole and cause a global rise in anxiety, tension, and/or passion. Your Gateway to NASA Earth Observation Data. Is the Earths frequency speeding up? The base atmospheric electromagnetic resonant frequency is 7.83 Hz. [citation needed], Interest in Schumann resonances renewed in 1993 when E.R. Thousands of studies conducted by tens of thousands of scientists around the world have documented changes in surface, atmospheric, and oceanic temperatures; melting glaciers; disappearing snow cover; shrinking sea ice; rising sea level; and an increase in atmospheric water vapor. yes i do believe for years that spirituality has something to see with sciences AND actual technologies.maybe they knew more about this, in the past and ancient civilisations .confirming we have a low memory for the most crucial thing to set us free from ignorance domination .wake up for good !! Rivers: working to shape mountains. Indeed, there is more going beyond the material Universe. If the resonant frequencies were to fundamentally change, this could only be because the shape and size of the Earth-ionosphere bottle was changing, which hasnt been observed. is determined by the Earth radius audiovisual perceptions, weak EM fields and mild drugs) the reaction is significantly influenced by the autonomy of the Consciousness. No wonder meditators have reported that this frequency deepens their experience and engenders feelings of relaxed flow and harmony. But it will not be until most 3D humans on Earth vibrate at a 4th Dimensional frequency that we can say Earth has ascended to become a 4D planet. Earth Vibration (432 Hz) $ 9.95. Part of this controversy stems from the fact that the Schumann resonance parameters extractable from observations provide only a limited amount of information about the coupled lightning source-ionospheric system geometry. The ranking of the two other peaksAsian and Americanis the subject of a vigorous dispute among Schumann resonance scientists. a As this wave flows around Earth, it hits itself again at the perfect spot such that the crests and troughs are aligned. n There are many parallel Earths, just as there are many Universes. A paper was published in 2006 linking Schumann resonance to global surface temperature,[43] which was followed up with a 2009 study. {\displaystyle f_{n}} For example, many places have experienced changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves . Whatever is happening, its clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more in tune with the New Earth. Normal daily variation ranges 0.5 Hertz. In the event confirmation is made by direct, in situ observations, it would verify the suggestion of the possibility of charge separation and lightning strokes in the Martian dust storms made by Eden and Vonnegut [1973][51] and Renno et al. When choosing locations to visit in person, start with ones that you feel drawn to and are close to where you live. Long story short. It has also become common for some to associate the Schumann frequencieswith different types of brain wave states. Everyone was asking, whats causing this intermittent spiking activity? But, I certainly have noticed paradigm shifts of my consciousness in the past year, so Im willing to put skepticism aside for these DNA transformation ideas. Earth does not always spin on an axis running through its poles. [33] Subsequent theoretical studies supported the early estimations of the small influence of the ionosphere day-night asymmetry (difference between day-side and night-side ionosphere conductivity) on the observed variations in Schumann resonance field intensities. Yes, over 97% of scientist agree that humans cause climate change. The change in vibration could explain the craziness many people have been experiencing and why unresolved physical/mental/emotional/spiritual issues are being brought to the surface to be healed. Since the discovery of the baseline frequency of 7.83 Hz in 1954, it was considered a stable measurable frequency. Schumann resonances may therefore help us to understand these feedback effects. The Rishis didnt measure the Hz at 7.83, they perceived the resonance of the planet and named it AUM, stating, basically, this is a vibration that is super important in creation, as in the sound that all other sound derives from. The veil is lifting. With that E-smog blocked, your body is able to perform properly. That has yet to be determined, seen, experienced and recorded for future generations. The Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas are the last surviving fragments of a body of water that stretched from Austria to Turkmenistan. This means our atmosphere is continuously resonating with a radio frequency of 7.83 Hz, along with progressively weaker harmonics at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz. We are synchronised to this signal. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING. [14][15][16][17] However, it was not until measurements made by Balser and Wagner in 19601963[18][19][20][21][22] that adequate analysis techniques were available to extract the resonance information from the background noise. Erosion, essentially the destruction of a feature via physical or chemical processes, is similarly reliant on time.For example, wind can be a strong erosive force that works by picking up small dust and sand particles and battering them against a mountainside, slowly chipping away at the . The most important result of this is the proof of existence of a buried liquid water-ammonia ocean under a few tens of km of the icy subsurface crust. To me i can feel it in the air ,by times like static electricity , and while focusing on silent meditation , it seems i perceive a very high frequency , in continuous tune in the background ; mood , emotional sensitivity, even the body for sure have been and still are affected In the first chart immediately below youll see 14.1 Hz higher than 7.83 Hz, Although EM pollution is present in the industrialized world, catastrophic is a harsh conclusion just by the following diagrams (BTW what are the sources of the diagrams?). Indeed, there are multiple Schumann Resonances (7.83 Hz, 14 Hz, 21 Hz, 26 Hz, 33 Hz, 39 Hz, 45 Hz and 59 Hz), two of which are ALREADY focused in the 40 Hz range. There are too many of us Starseed and Earth Angels awake and aware and in communication with Gaia herself to leave any doubt. Changing frequency over time. This offers hope. On the other hand, some optical satellite and climatological lightning data suggest the South American thunderstorm center is stronger than the Asian center.[27]. Awaken the future race of Hu-man Be-ings OM ? [2003],[59] and Pechony and Price [2004]. Time and again we have revelations measuring brainwaves in variious exercises. [35] Sentman and Fraser developed a technique to separate the global and the local contributions to the observed field power variations using records obtained simultaneously at two stations that were widely separated in longitude. The atmosphere of the Earth is actually a weak conductor. These daily variations are usually in the order of +/ 0.5Hz. This is to total amount of electromagnetic energy that our planets morphogenetic field should possess. This means our atmosphere is continuously resonating with a radio frequency of 7.83 Hz, along with progressively weaker harmonics at around14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz. If you play a beat in the background it wont be long before everyone is on that beat right? The amount of resonance fluctuates as the ionosphere becomes more or less dense. At any given moment about 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. [65] Though three visiting spacecraft (Pioneer 11 in 1979, Voyager 1 in 1980, and Voyager 2 in 1981) failed to provide any convincing evidence from optical observations, in July 2012 the Cassini spacecraft detected visible lightning flashes, and electromagnetic sensors aboard the spacecraft detected signatures that are characteristic of lightning. (Not that i understand all hes saying). Well see in time I spose. Both the spin and the magnetic field or our planet are completely misaligned. All human development, from large cities to small towns, shines light into the night sky. The source location is determined with either multi-station or single-station techniques and requires assuming a model for the Earthionosphere cavity. I am curious whether I misunderstood your point or whether I need to ask about a cite for this concept as well. It becomes a dichotomy, as you clear your chakras you gain energy and lightforce, however the time goes quicker. Both simulationsthose neglecting the day-night asymmetry, and those taking this asymmetry into accountshowed the same Asia-America chimney ranking. As you probably noticed, there's a place where the Earth resonance frequency fits into the mind's production of frequencies. No in situ capability exists today to validate the results. Existence of lightning activity on that planet was predicted by Bar-Nun [1975][64] and it is now supported by data from Galileo, Voyagers 1 and 2, Pioneers 10 and 11, and Cassini. The Schumann resonance is changing and its due to the brown dwarf system entering our solar system. 7 is the number representing Gods pan of salvation. It is an ideal state of awakened calm. Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still in the flow or in the know.In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. They stay up there thanks to electric conductivity in the ionosphere that features charged ions, separated from neutral gas atoms in the area by solar radiation, as explains Interesting Engineering. No matter how Fast , No matter how Slow . This depends largely on the amount of solar radiation striking it. Earth's climate has fluctuated through deep time, pushed by these 10 different causes. Williams showed a correlation between the resonance frequency and tropical air temperatures, suggesting the resonance could be used to monitor global warming. This is now called " the Schumann resonance ." There is an ascension going on with this holographic universe. The earth's climate is changing. The strength (power) of the Schumann resonant energy we measure depends upon this input signal, and upon the atmospheric density, which varies with temperature and seasonal influences. If the frequency itself was to change, the effects would be dramatic upon us. Fig.2-3) indicates that amplitude variation depends on the components (electric or magnetic, on different axes) and other factors. You are looking after the body, and, when it wears out, youll get another one. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind its all part of your own unique AWAKENING. To complete the bottle analogy, the breath which provides the signal comes largely from lightning strikes and atmospheric electrical discharges around the Earth. The Earth has been the focus of a massive amount of scientific study over the years. Increased evaporation will result in more frequent and intense storms, but will also contribute to drying over some land areas. Going into light crystalline 5d sentient beings. He was able to estimate that, based on the layers of the atmosphere where he saw the best conductors, there would be electromagnetic oscillations of around 0.1 seconds. Some have even. Mission to Inner Earth - Is it Really Hollow? Pablo A. Cumillaf. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth's surface and a boundary about 60 miles up. As each person is actively working to raise their personal frequency to stay in alignment with the changes in the earth's frequency, it will cause an uneasy feeling through the process of . By emitting Earth's natural 7.83hz frequency, COCOON essentially neutralizes incoming EMF radiation. You need to be clear in stating spikes at other frequencies dont mean the 7.8Hz one vanished. Now we have a long way to go before our planets Merkaba Fields imbalances are corrected so I postulate that these strange sounds will be with us for some time yet. These waves remain trapped inside an atmospheric ceiling created by the lower edge of the "ionosphere" - a part of the atmosphere filled with charged particles, which begins about 60 miles up into the sky. Wow ! Chart 4: Q-factor variation over time. As a singer the ascending scales of faster oscillations, vibrations and frequency impact directly on the audiences I sing to and with. Do you have a citation that directly connects the rishis with 7.83 hertz. The waves were oscillating between greater and lower energy at a base frequency of 7.83 Hz -- the frequency that's also referred to as 'Earth's heartbeat'. This protects us from emotional rollercoasters and reckless thinking. n The main challenge in addressing this question is the difficulty in monitoring UTWV globally over long timescales. The frequencies do vary constantly due to changing atmospheric pressure and incoming solar and cosmic radiation which affects the ionosphere, but these changes hover around the base frequency which has been unchanged since it was first measured. It was assumed that the distribution of lightning in the satellite maps was a good proxy for Schumann excitations sources, even though satellite observations predominantly measure in-cloud lightning rather than the cloud-to-ground lightning that are the primary exciters of the resonances. This frequency range is referred to as the Earth's heartbeat, or vibration. This is the effect of the solar flare acivity (second wave):, on LinkedIn, Subscribe for counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. Is climate change caused by humans? However, there is no scientific proof for any of this. The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. Chart 3: Amplitude variation in each of the first 4 resonances, ie an indication of the amount of energy present in each harmonic. The geomagnetic reversal of Earths Poles are due very soon, the Polar Shift! If true, it raises even more intriguing questions. Since the Schumann frequency is said to be "in tune" with the human brain's alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly. So, according to this theory, if there is a global increase in anxiety or tension, this will also affect the Schumann Resonance. Enjoy my brothers and sisters. Losses due to finite ionosphere electrical conductivity lower the propagation speed of electromagnetic signals in the cavity, resulting in a resonance frequency that is lower than would be expected in an ideal case, and the observed peaks are wide. Its about living in a higher frequency, i.e. The resonance is maintained by the. The resonance can also be affected by the world's three lightning hotspots Asia, Africa, and South America, which are seasonal and also follow a day/night cycle. There is the possibility that future lander missions could carry in situ instrumentation to perform the necessary measurements. Thus, the peaks of radio signal strength at the Schumann resonance follow a constantly shifting but reasonably predictable schedule. Will a NASA-assisted diffractive solar sail take us to the Sun? It means that there is a great deal of electrical activity between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. This can lead to an increase in precipitation intensity, duration and/or frequency. Heres a look at the science of what is actually happening. Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone? It is needed for life as we know it. Tomb Secrets from Egyptologist Kara Cooney, Egos Clash Behind Stall in Search for Nefertiti's Tomb, Capturing Images on Film from Another Dimension, VAXXED Movie Controversy: What You Should Know, Hidden Essene Texts Provide Clues to Bible's Origin. The Russian Space Observing System? Doesnt seem to be a thing Do you have a source for the info? This has awakened my interest to read Vedic books . An international team of researchers have introduced a plasma-based method that could convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and produce fuels on Mars. In Merkaba Mechanics the top electrical portion of the Merkaba should spin at 33 1/3 rotations in a clockwise spin. Another large spike occurred on May 6 caused again by a meteorite shower of remnants from Halleys comet. It also happens to be Mother Earths natural heartbeat rhythm, known as the Schumann Resonance. According to Wikipedia, Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earths surface and the ionosphere.. Any doubt breath which provides the signal comes largely from lightning strikes and atmospheric discharges. Focus of a body of water that stretched from Austria to Turkmenistan,.: // adaptation is not a perfect electromagnetic resonant cavity your own research into the night sky it seems be! Weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its,. Flows around Earth captured between Earth 's surface and a boundary about 60 miles up look at the of! 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