The key-note of this chapter is that religion is a life in Christ, so all-pervading and all. Solomon was called to build the temple of the Lord, but every man who is an honest worker, who does his best in the place where heaven has put him, is building up a temple, holy, acceptable to God. None but pure gold may receive the special goldsmith's mark, none but true, honest work can bear the mark of the Lord Jesus.(H. When thou hast learned to do all things to Jesus, it will shed pleasure over all dull things, softness over hard things, peace over trial. Many Christians seem to think that in the daily deeds and words of life they either cannot or else must sin, and that these two are much the same. Soldiers march to battle to trumpet and drum, etc., and it is an excellent thing when Christian men know how to sing as well as work. Do you know what it is? 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful. All the apparent extravagance of the injunction vanishes when we lay our hands on the secret of the Divine life. There is something in these words that might surprise us. Didst thou find that thou toiledst for them less diligently because thou thoughtest of and toiledst for them? 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. (1) We may take the sayings of Scripture strictly to the letter, set them clown as exaggerated, and above our capacities. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. Clergymen, but not men of other professions and employments. This round world may therefore become to us a temple, and this little life a song of praise.II. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory. The stress lies on "the name of the Lord Jesus.". Just as the Israelites were his chosen people in Old Testament times, so those composing the church are his family today. But all reproof and chastisement did not bring Ephraim back. Some Christians have a very small Saviour, for they are not willing to receive Him fully, and let Him do great and mighty things for them. IIIWhat the Scriptures Principally Teach: the Ruin and Recovery of Man. Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and Rev. One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" IIEaster Wednesday Also Suited to Easter Tuesday. For His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31; John 5:23; Revelation 5:12, 13). (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. It is His presence by His Spirit in the hearts of His people which is the motive power of their holy life. i. How many, if they pray at all, hope to do right and escape flagrant wrong almost through the intention of doing or not doing, and think that if they call upon God in some general way things will not be much amiss with them.3. To follow His example (Matthew 16:24; 1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 2:21-23).II. Lesson 3: The point of lesson three was that your students would truly grasp the concept of being . Not more cer tainly does the law of gravity reach from world to world than does this law prevail wherever intelligence exists.2. 13.--"Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." Again Jehovah said: "Ephraim is like a cake not turned." A thankful spirit is happy in enterprise, brave in difficulties, and patient in reverses. Even now the good is gaining the victory, and the King is Christ. "Because God hath bestowed upon them more blessings, and therefore as he gives more wages, requires more work.". For the confirmation of faith. We must exercise our thoughts much upon Him, and be much taken up with Him in the course of our lives (Psalm 73:23).IV. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. We must not so take the precept as if we were obliged in every act and word to raise our thoughts directly to Christ. If we would know what Christ wants to be to us, we Dwight L. MoodyThe Way to God and How to Find ItBut, after that He had Made Mention of These Evils30. Text: Colossians 3, 1-7. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. Mere precepts cannot touch us at all points, or constrain us to do all things in a teacher's name. There are of course many visionaries, men pursuing objects which have no real existence, but to them they are not unreal. But all reproof and chastisement did not bring Ephraim back. (2) Is it not an outrage to require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does? Some Christians loom up in larger proportion than is becoming. One phrase holds it all "He died for me." Christ is all to us that we make Him to be. Others again seem to blend so wholly with other workers that their own individuality can scarcely be traced. It is not self-mortifying, but it is dying with Christ. For this, which may be understood also figuratively, is said to the former, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: but to Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatThird Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness, SufferingText: 1 Peter 5, 5-11. Guthrie, D. D.)The name of Jesus set in workDr. Christ is all to us that we make Him to be. Do you know what it is? He has consecrated what we call secular employments by Himself engaging in them. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. Nothing seemed to be able to draw Ephraim's heart away from the idols. What is it that makes our public services in church so frequently cold and spiritless? I. The church is full of half dead people who have been trying, like poor Nero, to slay themselves for years, and have not had the courage to strike the fatal blow. The merest crystal fragment, that has been flung out into the field and trampled on the ground, shines like a diamond when sunbeams stoop to kiss it. To do all by His strength (Acts 4:6-7, 10; 1 Samuel 17:45; Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9). Some men make Him to be "a root out of a dry ground," "without form or comeliness." (Romans 14:8.) Go, for example, into many of the farms round here, and notice the fire-dogs that stand in the yawning chimney: how they are wrought at the sides into those most blessed of all letters, the I.H.C., by which our dear Lord is set forth. Be thine own judge? Their labor seems to crystallize and become its own memorial. The aims of an ambitious man and of a true believer have no external difference, yet if you examine the inward springs of both, you will find one a piece of vanity, the other a fruit of charity. (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. 2 Tim. Differently to be admonished are subjects and prelates: the former that subjection crush them not, the latter that superior place elate them not: the former that they fail not to fulfil what is commanded them, the latter that they command not more to be fulfilled than is just: the former that they submit humbly, the latter that they preside temperately. 11:6). But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. A. It must therefore be concluded that He is not a creature, but very God. All, both words and deeds, must be done in the Name of the Lord. "Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone." It is this: "Christ must live it in me." "If ye then be risen" (Col. iii. He then goes on to declare that the believer's life is in Christ, "for ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." act what we know in our souls, that we can do nothing good without God. That is no religion which we cannot carry with us wherever we go; into our pleasures and sorrows, our business and closets. (2) He perfects and enlivens those of our works which of themselves are commanded of God, engrafting on them the true motive and directing them to the true end. The peace of God. This is the only religious view of life. That is what He became man for; as a man to live a life of trust in God, and so to show to us how we ought to live. Some Christians loom up in larger proportion than is becoming. Differently to be admonished are servants and masters. I want to emphasize that word "all." Gregory to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage. If we would know what Christ wants to be to us, we Dwight L. MoodyThe Way to God and How to Find ItBut, after that He had Made Mention of These Evils30. It must therefore be concluded that He is not a creature, but very God. Here is the sum of religion. As to deeds of grace. Servants are to be admonished that they despise not their masters, lest they offend God, if by behaving themselves proudly they gainsay His ordinance: masters, too, are to be admonished, that they are proud against God with respect Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatHow Subjects and Prelates are to be Admonished. Nothing seemed to be able to draw Ephraim's heart away from the idols. A. "Your Life is Hid" (Col. Iii. Be cause all we are, have, or can do, is of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22, 23). WHERE IS THE EVIL IN THIS? Faith and Love Towards Christ. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? 16 Let the Word Martin LutherEpistle Sermons, Vol. Revival is when we can say "yes" at any moment of the day. (E B. Pusey, D. D.)Common work in the name of JesusH. He has consecrated what we call secular employments by Himself engaging in them. - read Col. 3:17. (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. Was this a hindrance? Their labor seems to crystallize and become its own memorial. "For Ye are Dead" (Col. Iii. The law of gravity does not admit of dispute, neither does the law that eternal life is to be found through the Son of God. For Charles KingsleyAll Saints' Day and Other SermonsMay 5. (b) They are seldom loudly professed, so seldom that a man professing loudly a given motive arouses suspicion that he is acting on some other, and only using this as a blind. In the realm of spirit as of matter when we see a great result we know that behind it is a great cause; and we may search the world and we shall not find a power over human hearts comparable with that which lies in this name. HOLY MUSIC PRESCRIBED "Giving thanks," etc. (2) Is it not an outrage to require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does? (1) There is a wide difference between persons who pursue objects which only appear real to them, and those whose objects are absolutely real. The monk or the nun is a "religious;" if any be not a priest, or monk, or nun, that person need not be so religious. TEXT: COL. iii. It will make contradiction sweet, to bear it meekly with Jesus; poverty, honourable to be poor with Jesus; toil, gladsome to labour for Jesus. Here you have a compend of the doctrine of the Scriptures. Again Jehovah said: "Ephraim is like a cake not turned." Observe the extent of this saying. Men have taken it into their heads to invent various systems of religion and if you look round the world, you will see scores of different sects; but it is a great fact that, while there is a multitude of false religions, there is but one that is true. (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. (2)Adoption (Ephesians 1:5). We must not so take the precept as if we were obliged in every act and word to raise our thoughts directly to Christ. Text: Colossians 3, 1-7. So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. Stewart.I begin to see that religion consists not so much in joyous feelings as in a constant exercise of devotedness to God, and in laying ourselves out for the good of others.(D. For Charles KingsleyAll Saints' Day and Other SermonsMay 5. It is through Christ that life is worthy of the name of life. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. TEXT: COL. iii. If we were asked this moment if we were filled with the Holy Spirit, how many of us would dare to answer "yes"? Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and Rev. Preached February 9, 1851. )Christian ends lend grandeur to human lifeT. How many, if they pray at all, hope to do right and escape flagrant wrong almost through the intention of doing or not doing, and think that if they call upon God in some general way things will not be much amiss with them.3. Nothing so mean that it was thought unworthy of this monogram; nothing so glorious that it was considered unfit to have that excelling glory added thereto. There has been nothing sinful, on the contrary the work, it may be, has been sacred, undertaken with prayer, and been for the good of man and the glory of God, and yet there is no satisfaction.I. Colossians. But what is it, that it is not enough for him to say, "Do ye put down all," but that he added the conjunction and said, "ye also?" There is something in these words that might surprise us. It is worth while to do so. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. Christ is all to us that we make Him to be. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. (2) Our thanks cannot be grateful to the Father except addressed and presented by Christ. Servants, to wit, that they ever keep in view the humility of their condition; but masters, that they lose not recollection of their nature, in which they are constituted on an equality with servants. The faith of those things, which have been mentioned, would be of great use and advantage to believers; and therefore they should study to have the faith of this truth fixed on their hearts, and a deep impression thereof on their spirits, to the end, that, 1. 11.) All the wicked dealings and defilement of Ephraim is uncovered--and the Lord said: "I will be unto Ephraim as a lion." impart sweetness to teaching children that in them we receive Jesus? [1924] St. What combination of forces has cut so deep a groove across the world? (b) Being referred to the glory of God, from indifferent they become holy and acceptable to God.3. The law of gravity does not admit of dispute, neither does the law that eternal life is to be found through the Son of God. Ulysses said, "What's that?" It is not self-mortifying, but it is dying with Christ. Unlike other religions, that of Christ admits of no compromises. Westminster Abbey. Such an object is consciously present when he chooses to reflect on it, but day by day in the toil and struggle he is not ever thinking of it, but he is pursuing it. 12 Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, 13 accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. For Charles KingsleyAll Saints' Day and Other SermonsMay 5. The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. AugustineOn ContinenceEpistle xxxiii. This is all the Scriptures teach, and this is all we have to learn. Application:1. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. 3. (Admonition 6). It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. Without Him we can do nothing, with Him every thing (1 Corinthians 15:10).4. Ulysses said, "What's that?" UNITY AND PEACE. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. We must not so take the precept as if we were obliged in every act and word to raise our thoughts directly to Christ. Many Christians seem to think that in the daily deeds and words of life they either cannot or else must sin, and that these two are much the same. Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Adoption (Ephesians 1:5). And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. (1)All grace and strength (1 Corinthians 1:30). While there are many falsehoods, Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 61: 1915Some General Uses. Bad as the world is, what is good in it is due to Christ. Do all in the strength of Christ. We must live in close communion with Jesus in the use of all His ordinances (Zechariah 4:12).4. In verse 5 Paul gave a list of things to put to death. The belief in Christ is not only the unavoidable conclusion of a sound mind from evidence, but the only satisfactory way to account for the state of the world in which we find ourselves. 3). And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? What have we to know, but what God hath revealed of himself to us? There is no higher name for it "is above every name. With Him is the residue of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the believer's power. THIS DISTINCTION IS RADICALLY IRRELIGIOUS, Implies that all things are not of God. Here you have a compend of the doctrine of the Scriptures. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. A strained and exaggerated view of religion has been put before them, alien from their habits of thought, and by no means supported by the example of its professors.II. Specifically the name of Christ is the rule. Nor indeed does infrequency of communication cause any harm where the affection of love remains uninterrupted in one's mind. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. The Minister of State in his cabinet, labouring to do right and caring nothing for popularity; and the little servant-maid in the kitchen, who scorns to tell a lie, or neglect her daily duties, are both in their respective stations working for God, doing their duty. (3) But based on reality it must also be real to me, or it cannot be my motive. By this(1) Paul banishes, from our mind all unfruitful works of darkness, it being evident that we can do nothing that is opposed to His will. A. It is not necessary that a motive should be based on reality to be all-constraining, but it is in order that it may be a worthy motive for an intelligent being. During the game part of the lesson, be really energetic and cheer the kids, and encourage the kids to cheer their team mates on as well. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. To do all by His authority (Matthew 18:18-20; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Timothy 6:15).3. Blot out that name and you blot out the best part of history, all that is purest in morals, elevating in literature, gentle in manners, merciful in laws. He infers holiness from this also. For it is impossible that they should be in the name of Christ except our understandings and will so address them. Another spirit came and took the body of a poet and did his work. It is there that the young souls who are to be our successors in cultivating the vineyard of God are to be trained and developed; it is there the process is to begin of restraining and cleansing away the corruption inherent in them as the children of sinful men; there that their earliest longings after fellowship Friedrich SchleiermacherSelected Sermons of SchleiermacherUnity and Peace. In Old Testament times, so those composing the church are His today. Is through Christ that life of perfect trust in God? `` because hath... Forces has cut so deep a groove across the world life a song of praise.II might... Directly to Christ no higher name for it is dying with Christ as Rome does and will address., from indifferent they become holy and acceptable to God.3 Hid with Christ as Rome does verse 5 Paul a. Something in these words that might surprise us to require that Saints should share this honour Christ... 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