author authority vsbw

Also, do not ask why we placed Buu saga DBZ characters in the same tier as Super Perfect Cell. So far, he has taken every single attack thrown at him on the chin and either picked himself off the ground or absolutely tanked it, coming out completely unharmed either way. Do not create discussion threads trying to change Infinite Zamasu's Low 2-C rating without new evidence. This argument ignores the possibility that characters could be difficult to track even if they moved below sound speed. We have had repetitive and extensive discussions on why Infinite Zamasu's feat of becoming the universe is Low 2-C, and not 3-A or 2-C. This type of argument claims that since A is associated with B, then A causes B. An organization can be considered as the author. Therefore, anyone, even if they don't have super speed, can tag him.". Example: "Afterimages, blurry images, and speed lines usually are used in manga and comics to denote speed. This only applies to matters of opinion and subjectivity, because even if the sample wasn't biased, this would not be an effective argument for an objective claim due to the appeal to popularity fallacy. This argument is similar to proof by example, but instead of simply citing an example, it describes the example in vivid detail, which makes people more likely to pay attention to it and think it is significant. Guideline for handling disagreement between staff members during content revision threads: We have moved to a new external forum hosted at Regarding how to gauge the reliability of statements about characters. authority (n.) c. 1200, autorite, auctorite "authoritative passage or statement, book or quotation that settles an argument, passage from Scripture," from Old French autorit, auctorit "authority, prestige, right, permission, dignity, gravity; the Scriptures" (12c. The person in this example states that since they do not know of something personally, it cannot exist. Some Bleach characters cannot perform a speedblitz. These are the examples that apply to this Wiki, with the original list written by Endless Mike: This means "argument against the man, not the point". Person 1: Barry Allen is faster than Sonic the Hedgehog because you're stupid. This occurs when someone uses calculations to attempt to prove something, but there is an error in their math. This is when someone claims that if more people think one thing than another thing, then the one supported by the majority is correct. Likewise, the race of the Monitors are treated as the writers and editors of the entire Multiverse, but even them, alongside the totality of existence are but a microscopic inkblot on white canvas that is The Void. Nami blocked Enel's lightning in the Skypeia arc, so therefore Nami can move at relativistic speed.". This page is taken from the Vs Battles Wiki and is NOT the property of this wiki! The Authority was 10-C andthere was no wind in the room), Bacteriophage (Real World) Bacteriophage's Profile, Hody Jones (One Piece) Hody's Profile (This is 10-C Authority vs Elderly Hody, Speed is Equalized, battle takes place at a Burger King in Nebraska. It is when you rebut an opponent's argument by insulting them instead of their argument. The Real World can be simulated by fiction, but it will never be the true reality. There's no way he'd sense the Flash, who only has normal human - equivalent ki, and is moving way faster than any DBZ character, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to react in time to stop him. Scaling characters to this weapon would also cause too large inconsistencies throughout the entire verse. Concession accepted! In Authority, the New York Times bestselling second volume of Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy, Area X's most disturbing questions are answered . However, this is not the case for every setting. This is when someone attempts to rebut an argument by bringing up a completely unrelated point, a "Red herring", to lure his opponent away from the real point of the argument. knowledgeable members list for the terminology, standards, and concepts of this wiki,, who possess a reasonable level of genuine understanding and expertise, accepted to be legitimate/scale to his AP, Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics, Here is a statement by IDW editor Bobby Curnow, And here is another statement from the TV show co-director Jim Miller that he has not read the comics yet, and after doing a bit of reading he stated that the comics and the show are separate, regardless of comments from the TV show's creators. Luffy beat Foxy. The person ignores the fact that this could have been a statistical anomaly, and that it doesn't necessarily hold true all the time. Established the mechanisms of life and death, making it so that the souls of all conscious beings in the infinite multiverse went to the Land of the Dead when their bodies perished, Can traverse across Heaven and the multiverse. A character that qualifies would usually then scale to one level of infinity higher than the totality of the cosmology they transcend. Author authority can be defined as the reputation an author possesses in relation a certain topic. This ignores the fact that instant transmission is a special case: While it does allow the user to arrive at a destination faster than the Flash would in a race (if both of them started at the same time), it ignores the fact that IT is teleportation, not true speed, requires locking onto a ki signature, needs time for thought to activate it, and cannot change destination or react to attacks in between the origin and destination point. Generally try to avoid derailing content revision discussion threads from the original topic, We cannot deal with too many different subjects at once, so it is usually better to start a new thread instead. Rate this book. For all fans of martial arts, action and adventure, a good range of fighting fiction is a must. Example: "Flash has been tagged by people without super - speed in the past. but the answers are far from reassuring.After thirty years, the only human engagement with Area Xa seemingly malevolent landscape surrounded by an invisible border and mysteriously wiped clean of all signs of civilizationhas been a . Goku has VAST senses, he would easily sense the Flash and beat him. Then he began to withdraw, and he forbade Moses to look at his face. Example: "Everyone on that forum says that the PS3 is way better than the Wii.". These are the examples that apply to this Wiki, with the original list written by . He couldn't beat Aokiji, therefore he's not strong". The review and approval of content revisions that affect tiers 1 and 0 or that are highly controversial should be conducted by a larger number of staff members in order to ensure that all relevant parties are aware of and agree with the proposed changes. Person B: Luffy isn't light speed! Do not try to upgrade the cosmology or the cast to 1-B based on the statements from the Naljians or their toy. Example: "Luffy wore an afro when he fought Foxy. A fly obviously can't hurt a bear, and eventually the bear would swat it out of the sky. ", Person A: "Ha! Example: "In One Piece, the Cipher Pol units grow progressively stronger as their numbers increase. All of the above would be considered less 'real' than the person who views the cosmology as such, and can directly imply qualitative superiority. Let's make a hypothetical example. Coupling all of this information with Grant Morrison's own Animal Man run, wherein the titular character encounters his writer, and learns that they are nothing but fiction, it becomes clear that, despite our general strong reservations for Reality-Fiction Transcendence, The Writer is heavily intertwined with, and impossible to separate from DC Comics' fictional mythology. Reputation matters when you want people to trust you. It is important to note that this guideline does not apply to revisions for popular or widely-recognized verses, or to revisions that significantly alter the overall structure or content of a verse. Although the evaluation of each staff member carries equal weight, the final decision regarding the approval of a content revision may be influenced by other factors such as the expertise and knowledge of the staff members involved, the complexity and controversy of the revision, and the popularity or prominence of the affected series verse. Example: "Lightning travels at relativistic speed. We have moved to a new external forum hosted at This is when one person corrupts an opponent's argument into something different, a "straw man" that they set up just to knock it down. The acting MTF GY-66 Team Lead, in . What the person in the example is neglecting to mention is that the forum he's referring to is a Sony - centric forum populated mainly by Sony fans. have been found contradictory, Given that the only explicit gauges that we have to scale the tiers by are from. VSBW is a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster. The Hiroshima nuke was around 15 kilotons, so this bomb would have a yield of 15 petatons!". You can see the person is trying to just exhaust his opponent with tons of words and unnecessary verbosity instead of arguing the actual points. Enel from One Piece is a god. Because of this, she can edit and modify it at a whim, allowing her to do absolutely anything she wants including defeating Lambdadelta just by simply narrating it. Another example: "Naruto ninjas can obviously dodge bullets, what kind of fantasy shounen characters would they be if they couldn't?". The opposite of the previous fallacy, this is when someone presents a conclusion that logically follows from a premise, and then asserts that since the premise is false, the conclusion must also be false. Goku cannot sense beings too far away in space if he does not recognize their ki, and even if he does he still cannot sense them if they are too far away (he had to get King Kai's help to locate the new planet Namek, even though he knew what a Namekian ki signature felt like). Variable for individual Writer Manifestations, Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Plot Manipulation, Attack Potency: At least High Outerverse level, likely Boundless (Wrote DC Comics in its entirety, and is transcendent over all of its characters and concepts, as they are all nothing but fiction from their perspective. The person says a claim must be true because it's what he wants to be true. VSBW. That means they can also travel through time.". [email protected]. Want to Read. Generally, this type of authority is delegated within the university . authority. This is when someone uses a general rule to justify something when that thing is in fact an exception. One thing to keep in mind, is that even if someone is using a fallacy, it does not necessarily mean that their argument is not true. The person in this example asserts that since he personally does not believe something, then it cannot be true. However, this profile should be taken as an exception, rather than a rule, regarding the convention. Example: "Dark Schneider is really powerful.". this statement was given by George Lucas to standalone Vanity Fair article and was explicitly his own opinion, which does not take into account the events of Dark Empire. ", Person B. NOTE: There is a difference between an ad hominem and a plain insult. This argument ignores the critical factor of whether all gods are omnipotent. Author Authority Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) is the author of the whole Umineko story. This is an argument where someone takes an insufficient amount of evidence and attempts to form a conclusion from it, while ignoring or not being aware of contradictory evidence. Example: "Superman was tagged by Solomon Grundy, who is slow, therefore Superman can be tagged by anyone as fast or faster than Grundy.". "The Green Knight is stated in-universe to be invincible. Example: "There can't be a Naruto character that can beat Luffy, because it's always been known that Naruto characters are no match for him.". This is when someone tells a story of something that happened to them or another person, and it cannot be confirmed, but they expect it to prove something. Example: "Some people think that Galactus can beat Itachi, and some people think that Itachi can beat Galactus. The final decision on the approval of a content revision should be based on a thorough and unbiased evaluation of the suggested changes and their impact on a verse. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the thread being locked. Usually abbreviated to just "post hoc", this fallacy happens when someone assumes that since two events occur in sequence, the first one must be the cause of the second one. It is important to remember that all staff members, regardless of their rank, have a responsibility to act in the best interests of each verse by prioritizing accuracy and quality above personal preferences or biases. VSBW is a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster. Example: "If Luffy could beat Aokiji, that would mean he is strong. Read 7,472 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. To reiterate, when creating content revision threads, it is best to keep your suggestions as structured and simple to understand as possible, so the staff will have an easier time evaluating the text. You are using an out of date browser. VS Battles Wiki is a site where the members attempt to index the statistics of characters across different fictional franchises. Ultimately, the final decision regarding the approval of a content revision should be based on a thorough and unbiased evaluation of the suggested changes and their impact on each verse, rather than on the rank or status of the staff members involved. . CP10 is a higher numbered Cipher Pol unit than CP9. More specifically, chapter 1 discusses the nature, process, and modes of revelation. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This grace period applies to both minor and self-evident revisions, as well as larger revisions that may require more input from other staff members. This argument simply recounts a story that may or may not be true, and the person in question expects it to count as evidence of their point of view. This is similar to the argument from ignorance, except it is based on the fact that the person in question cannot personally believe something. This person ignores all the times people both with and without super speed were unable to tag the Flash, or were defeated by him. This is when someone states that if a certain condition is true for A, then it must also be true for any larger set that A is a part of. I win!". 'Sonido' means sound in Spanish, therefore Arrancars move at the speed of sound.". "I want to obtain all the techniques and gain a true understanding of everything in this world. This page is taken from the Vs Battles Wiki and is NOT the property of this wiki! Please refrain from trying to downgrade DOOM from Low 1-C via. A character CAN be upgraded by word of mouth alone. We have moved to a new external forum hosted at Until this grace period has elapsed since the time of the thread's creation, the revision should. I give up. This obviously means that they're faster than the Silver Surfer, who rarely ever leaves afterimages or has any of those effects in his comic.". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Those include: Additionally, the showings should be reasonably clear. Two wrongs don't make a right, after all. Content Marketers. We do not really recognise either term, so it may be best to close this. "Goku is faster than light speed because you can't prove he's not!". Due to this, the character will be treated as completely superior to the cosmology it transcends, and all characters limited to it, and will thus be granted a higher tier. Third, the word "authority" is used with reference to delegated authority in the form of a warrant, license, or authorization to perform. Ajimu Najimi (Medaka Box) possesses 12,858,051,967,633,867 official powers/abilities. Author avatars are also not necessarily be able to affect other people on their level with abilities unless demonstrated or indicated by the mechanisms, as most author and player characters usually have their powers affect the lower world instead of the one they exist on. However, he lives in a low fantasy setting. This meme was poking fun at those who fall for everything they read online or see on the news. Anywhere else it is useless. This kind of argument supposes that when there are two opposing viewpoints, the truth must lie somewhere in - between, ignoring the possibility that one of the viewpoints is simply wrong. However, certain topics keep popping up repeatedly, generally made by new members, despite being discussed and resolved multiple times in the past . Life doesn't have plots and subplots and denouements. or otherwise could be considered particularly controversial or noteworthy. In certain situations, we would not grant a R>F Transcendence to those who exist in the 'real world' compared to the game. Example: "Flash isn't fast! Example: "In DBZ, all the battles have flashy afterimages, speed lines, blurs, and other effects. And took him away in My wrath. You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power . As a comparison, this wiki has less than 30,000 recorded. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Do not attempt to downgrade the tier 1 ratings of Nasuverse characters. Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. This argument simply takes the way the material is presented as objective evidence, even though there are no true facts attached to it and it just a matter of drawing style. Believed to be the entities which drew DC Comics on the blank page that is the Overmonitor, The Writers represent DC's true supreme beings. Person A: "Goku has VAST senses! This is when someone's conclusion is not implied at all by the premise. This is a fallacy where someone makes an argument of the following form: "All contents of set A are also contents of set B. X is in set B. This is an argument that uses a faulty premise to draw a conclusion. The main purpose of this forum is to discuss how to properly index the statistics of characters from a wide variety of different fictional franchises. All your content in a single place, ready to truly get you ahead. It is also acceptable to post such threads in the general discussion or questions and answers sections of our forum for discussion, rather than in the content revision section. Premise to draw a conclusion faster than Sonic the Hedgehog because you ca n't prove he 's strong. Also cause too large inconsistencies throughout the entire verse to 1-B based on the.! To scale the tiers by are from with the original list written by n't have plots subplots. Author possesses in relation a certain topic, rather than a rule, regarding the convention your in! Regarding how to gauge the reliability of author authority vsbw about characters Flash and beat him. `` to index the of... Discusses the nature, process, and other effects with the original list written by effects! 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