Blessings. This was after finding Bible numbers where their hex$ equivilents or exact opposites applied in other mysteries solved. 622 means Mountain on Fire and links to Psalm 144. 86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD Bible numbers do not apply to man-made things: beware of superstition. Number 674 BEHOLD YOUR KING! 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT Well highlight two below. 406 FEAST IN PRESENCE OF ENEMIES, 408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING Which is exactly what Obama has been doing with his executive orders and the IRS having the dog eat its homework. I think paper is a good bet and laying the words of God on your heart is the best bet. 629 WISE MAN VICTORIOUS 175 is equal to 5 x 5 x 7 which can be translated The End'(7) of Forgiveness of Sin (25). Neither are there clear declarations like, "The number 7 means such and such." But by comparing scripture with scripture, word with word, number with number, and by studying related passages, you can arrive at the their true meanings. 220 THIRST FOR VENGEANCE The 383rd book of the Bible is 2 Chronicles 16. We see it in the Old and New Testaments in various contexts. It was available on the 5th Spiritual Number Map. Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 622 MOUNTAIN ON FIRE: PEOPLE SUBDUED 49 FATHERS LOVE: The Time of The End Genesis 27 v 46). Number38 BREAKING FAITH:Harlot, Number39 DISEASE: Adultery 248 DOOMED TO DIE Number166 DETEST IDOL WORSHIP Number457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD Number 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT Number 361 THE GREAT PROSTITUTE Then we sit in darkness as promised. 259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN 569 SAFE FROM HARM, 555 SCARED SPEECHLESS But, they cant move the spring equinox, so, with work you can always celebrate Passover and the other three feasts on the correct days if you choose. Endless and eternal ways in which the Living WORD of scriptures are to be apprehendedall the ways to see and prove its veracity, its simple yet complexly interwoven reflections of Gods perfection in His design and execution of His creation by way of His WORD of TRUTH! 164 APOSTATE RELIGION, 165 PEACE AND SAFETY Number412 TRIBE RESTORED Blessings brother John. Very good and thought provoking, looking forward to reading more. 523 GLORIOUS PRINCESS APPEARS Number87 SAINTS ASSEMBLY, Number88 RIGHTEOUS AFFLICTED Fortunate me I discovered your site by Hello Isabella. I would not recommend reading anything into numbers related to the time and date of your birth. I believe God himself will wipe out both coasts of the USA, though he might use Putin. Number 326 SORROW TURNS TO JOY Firstly, it represents the imperfect nature of human beings and their inclination towards sin. Suffice to say, man understands very little of God or eternal things. Number84 COURT OF THE LORD, Number85 HOLY COMMUNION Number286 CONFESS YOUR SINS ! 497 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST 41 MANS RULE(S), 33 SCATTERED REMNANT Number386 ALLY WITH WICKED 389 KILLING SPREE IN THE CAMP It was a typo. Man was made from the dust and the stone jars are symbolic of our flesh. Number 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED Number 577 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST Your New Moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates! It makes no difference to our faith. Number307 PALACE ON FIRE, Number308 SPIRITUAL POVERTY Number89 SON OF DAVID Number79 MARTYRS After all, God created the world in seven days, the Israelites spent seven decades in captivity in Babylon, and we see plenty of instances of the Lords wrath in Revelation happening in septets. Number162 IDOL As they dragged the stenographer into the elevator, after she delivered the message from God, she praised God and Jesus! All true prophets are the LORDs spokesmen to power. Seven and forty are two of the most recurring figures in the Bible. Number 646 LOVE CONTENTION 530 TRUST IN WEALTH You are being called upon to listen to the wisdom that emanates from your higher self. Number101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT, Number 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING 149 DEFEND THE FAITH 601 CONTEMPT Number 375 BOUND TO TRADITIONS OF MEN, Number 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING Number119 LOVE THE LAW, Number120 MAN OF PEACE > times in the dream, so I know it is important. #3 You are going to join your relatives and forefathers in hell. Number 373 EARTHLY KING IS GOD 646 LOVE CONTENTION Please read my paper The Exile of Ephraim on Page 4 PROPHECY which details the exact process step-by-step by which America will be humbled. And if you have research of your own, why not share it? 364 TREASURES OF GOD LOCKED UP 79 MARTYRS Number117 RELIGIOUS BUT UN-REDEEMED Number 678 LOVED FOREVER Not like todays wines that are minimum 10%. Welcome to fresh thinking. I see that were missing number 84. 499 KING IS CROWNED Number 597 REBORN HEBREWS The LORD says Who has required this from your hand, to trample my courts? and To what purpose is your multitude of sacrifices to me? Under the Law Jews were required to congregate on special days, make sacrifices and follow rituals. Reading the numerals across 383 we see: Binding Holy Man Binding: The Holy Man is Bound each way he turns. 674 BEHOLD YOUR KING! 489 RAIN OF FIERY SULFUR FALLS 24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. I bookmarked it. Number 528 GOD ACCUSES I too am simply awed by it. The divine number 22 is believed to be God's numeric symbol and is representative of the Book of Revelation. 30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Yes, the star names and the the constellation pictures were originally full of revelation of God but in the course of time the Babylonians corrupted star knowledge to make it into horoscopes and mythologies all untrue. No further postings regarding Jewish blood lines in modern times please. 425 CHOIRS JOYFULLY SING, 426 SERVANTS DEEDS RECALLED Number 321 EVIL REPLACES GOOD, Number 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER (Creation) and things God has said (Scripture). Regarding the sons of Rachab. Number 609 SOUL AT REST 581 ALL SIN FORGIVEN, 572 CORRUPT THRONE PUNISHED 636 LOVE WISDOM Number173 GREAT BATTLE Even though we have our own constitution. Number 640 LOVE CORRECTION It is really neat that you saw those squares lined up to make a box because if you look on the Geometry section of this site you will learn that squares are holy. Lord, forgive Your body for letting our nations become Godless. Number 390 CONSPIRACY TO USURP THE KINGDOM, Number 392 ARROGANT AND PROUD 297 HOLY TEMPLE 474 THE LORD ANSWERS, 475 THE LORD GIVES LIFE Number13 REBELLION: Anger, Number18 BONDAGE: Depression endobj the bible completely? Consider these examples of the symbolic meaning of numbers in the Bible: 1 Unity. I have fixed it and re-posted the document. Number16 SACRIFICE Number 328 CONSPIRATORS ASSASSINATE KING, Number 329 SURRENDER EVERYTHING HOLY 177 TRAMPLE POOR Hi John. Number22 LIGHT, Number24 PRIEST Number 515 MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE LAND What exactly on your chart from #s 42-77 does the statements sign of libra and sign of no star sign and sign of scorpio refer to. Additionally, 6 is also associated with the idea of rest and true peace after a period . 502 KING INHERITS THE EARTH The Holy Spirit and the Bible is all the believer needs to grow and serve his Savior. 692 ARMY OF GOD, 680 REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTED Number43 HUMILIATION 161 PURIFIED CHURCH, 163 WORD HID IN HEART All the promises of the Patriarchs are fulfilled in Christ not Mary. The USA Congress has ignored years of warnings from me (and others ) about what they are doing to anger God, why, and what will happen. Many numbers do contain a significance in the Bible. Hallelujah! 261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, 255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED 274 EVERLASTING THRONE OF DAVID, 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK 281 JUSTICE DENIED 540 FAT HEART IS FULL OF LIES & CURSES, 544 THE RICH WILL BE SLAUGHTERED And a multitude of angels rejoices in heaven every time a sinner repents and is saved. 47 HUMILITY: Abasement; Submission, 48 FATHERS BLESSING 56 HARD HEART, 57 DEPART THE FAITH Number 333 SIGN OF GOD, Number 318 SELF SERVING SERVANT Number 151 MANS POSSESSIONS Number 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, Number 137 QUARRELING Number 644WISDOM BETTER THAN GOLD The number 175 is the 7th decagonal. 627 SAINTS ARE HONORED Rachel is prophetic of the faith after the Reformation before the Rapture. 596 GODS RIGHT HAND Remain blessed, Hi Ashli. 320 SHOUT OF VICTORY It is not my opinion it is Gods opinion. Number 324 ROYAL PRINCES DESTROYED Ps. Number 623 SUFFERING ONE IS PRAISED Number 530 TRUSTIN WEALTH End of debate. I looked what you say about these Number 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS In all of these instances, whether the passage meant it literally or figuratively, the emphasis on three wants to draw the readers eye to the importance of the events. So, a circle on top of a triangle would represent mans understanding of the eternal things of God. Curse of the Zeroes Part 4 Zechariah 13 what kills the whore (aka USA) of Babylon? All true prophets are the LORD's spokesmen to power. Is it significant that there were six jars? 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. 501 RELIGIOUS CONTROL Number480SON OF GOD: ON THE THRONE Number451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE [See Gen. 16 1st exile and Gen. 21 2nd exile]. 405 PIONEERS OF THE FAITH 310 KEEP THE FAITH Number409 PROMISE TO SUPPLY ALL NEEDS 214 GODS WORSHIP INSINCERE, 215 COURAGE TO FIGHT GONE 12 GOVERNMENT: Fearful Power Hallelujah! A: The number 23 is closely connected to righteousness and holiness in the Bible. 2000 166 DETEST IDOL WORSHIP Twelve, asdescribed in this article, tends to mean authority or (similar to 3 and 7) perfection. The meaning of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet. 5 WEAKNESS: Exposed Child, Hand 452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, 460 WANTON CRIMES He also turned water into wine. Her son Joseph is also prophetic of Gentile nations founded on a Christian profession. 64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN, 65 APOSTASY Number272 KING LIVES IN LUXURY , I had a dream that ended with the number 285 in BIG numbers. 632 STRAIGHT PATH 680 REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTIBLE ! 644 WISDOM BETTER THAN GOLD The 125th verse of the Prophets is Isaiah 6 verse 10. Number292 KING OF KINGS Number 394 RENTS COLLECTED FROM TENANTS 542 I WASH MY HANDS IN INNOCENCE, 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN Number 138 INSOLENCE My name was written below the box in capital letters..PENNY..every number that was translated to the letter of my name was spoken out loud. Number 672 LOVING WORDS do not trust your brothers . Whenever we encounter something in Scripture repeated three times in a row, for instance, the word holy, it can, as stated in the article above, describe the intensity of something. 449 MAN HIDES FROM GOD, 453 DEATH IS NEAR 151 MANS POSSESSIONS Number 370 WORSHIP OF ANGELS The number 167 is a reminder to stay focused on your goals and to persevere through challenges. It is also equal to 1 + (3 x 3) + (5 x 5 x 5) or 1 + 9 + 125. 162 IDOL Number437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER, Number440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING The number 383 is the 76th prime number. Number95 VOICE OF GOD 264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS As a multiple of seven, the number 14 is linked to the idea of a completed cycle. 660 MIND OF A MAN btw really enjoy the information I have found here. Bible numbers apply to things God has made The Secret Meaning and Symbolism The number 240 is often associated with a high level of adventure and adrenaline. The USA violated and thou shalt not borrow. in August 1971 when President Nixon killed the gold standard so he could borrow money from other nations to fund the Vietnam war. 333 SIGN OF GOD, 318 SELF SERVING SERVANT 589 INHERITANCE CHANGED 4 v 7]. and consume you citizens of (Jer. ago. Number 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN Number 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, Number 600 ARMED FORCE A much-debated passage in Daniel, the seventy weeks show a period of time in which God will complete his mission and bring a new heaven and new earth. 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS 580 CONDEMNED PRISONERS SET FREE Theologians havent agreed on when this period started or ended, but at the 70th week, God will put an end to sin.. 188 GREAT FEAR OF GOD, 189 SWEAR AN OATH Simply put the number 10 in the bible means divine order, law or complete judgment. Number 152 HOUSE OF MAN-SLAYER, Number159 FAITHFUL CHURCH Interesting thing here is Isaac is prophetic of Christians. For instance, the children of Israel were kept as slaves until Saul . Useful information. 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, 414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS 22 where there are instructions of what to do in the case a man takes a wife, and if after lying with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name (v.13-14). Our salvation is through Christ not Mary. endobj Your email address will not be published. 637 LOVE INSTRUCTION, 633 ADULTERY COMMITTED After more research on my part, and finding this site, it was confirmed that what he told me was true. Number28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple 269 DAGGER IN BROTHERS SIDE, 271 RIVALS ASSASSINATED Furthermore the New Testament explicitly warns Christians from reverting to obedience to the Law given to the Jews, including for example observing holy days. I love this part of searching out the scriptures! For example, in the story of Jesus turning the water into wine it is written: Now there were set there six jarsof stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews.. (John 2:6). Three patriarchs:In Scripture, we have three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). This is in the context of the commissioning of Isaiah to be a prophet to hearers who wont listen to him. 552 WILD BEAST RAGES Forget about the caterpillar existence of this life and trying to figure it out or anticipate your fate. I dreamed the number 680 and I saw it as a lit sign. His father commanded his sons neither drink wine.. nor build houses.. nor sow seed.. nor plant vineyards.. always live in tents (Jer.35:6-7) This was an onerous commission one far more demanding than what Jehovah laid down as requirements for Israel. Number 691 HOLY ONE AMONG US Christ was born of Mary but now that Christ has come the Old Covenant is passed away the lines of the Kings of Judah ceased at Christ he now holds that office perpetually. Number82 THRONE OF GOD Number 1000 TRIBE, Your email address will not be published. What Does 666 Mean in the Bible? Number 622 MOUNTAIN ON FIRE The number 383 is the 76th prime number. Number384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, Number 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE Number405 PIONEERS OF THE FAITH 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN, 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE Sunday, but also saints days and endless convocations. 179 POOR HAVE FAITH 139 SORCERY / CONTROL, 140 EVIL SCHEMES Number281 JUSTICE DENIED Its all DVD now. We even ignore the part of how we were called the land of the free. Would it be possible to get your website in one big .zip file that could be dissolved to a CD, so, I could make copies to give to people? Im not asking for a translation just felt I needed to write the dream so I didnt confuse myself while asking this next question. Number 681 HOUSE OF JACOB ABANDONED <> 380 PRIESTS CAST OUT 14 RIGHTEOUS : Virgin, Orphan, Widow, 15 COVENANT: Peace, Joy Number 128 BLESSED ONES Number 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS 298 KING EXALTS HIMSELF 69 KILLING BELIEVERS, 73 BABYLON: World Rule 13 card is named as Death, but it mostly means death of a struggling period and new beginning s. This is why we can know we are in the correct season, we are now solving the thousands of years old, parables, puzzles, and codes contained within the Bible. stop being religious! Number167 MARK OF THE BEAST servant mark. No one has VHS cassette readers any more. What an amazing GOD we serve!!! Twelve minor prophets preached the word of God, twelve sons of Jacob formed the twelve tribes of Israel, and the disciples helped form the early church. Number248 DOOMED TO DIE The USSR was the mother land and is still represented by the mother bear. 466 PACK OF JACKALS I do not know about what is happening in Canada, but, the USA has received its last warning from God, imho. Isaac as a type of Christians is painfully true to form: he was no spiritual giant. 286 CONFESS YOUR SINS ! Number 655 DISORDER IN THE FAMILY We did not cast them out, we invited them in! Seven Churches in Revelation:The book of Revelation starts by addressing seven different churches (Revelation 2-3) who are in varying degrees of their spiritual walks. It happened 3 times in the dream, so I know it is important. Conservative scholars remain cautious about assigning too much importance to the meaning of numbers in the Bible. Twenty-four, therefore, is also connected with the worship of God, especially at the temple. A multitude of angels appeared at the Creation of the World when the morning stars sang together. All meant to displace Gods timing and most importantly, replace the Passover with Aster. 533 CLOSE FRIENDS AT WAR 144 JESUS IS LORD, 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER Number 535 PURSUED BY RAVENOUS BEASTS The context usually indicates whether a particular number is used as a symbol. Number452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, Number460WANTON CRIMES Im fond of the 33/66 representing the generations of David and Jesus. I looked what you say about these numbers. Often they are excluded, imprisoned, or otherwise punished by those in power. 377 HEART RESENTS KING The 173rd chapter of the Old Testament are the instructions for going to war (Deut.20). For the Jews, it was the number associated with the Passover - an opportunity to remember and celebrate God's faithfulness to His people. 292 KING OF KINGS Number 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD, THEME 41 HOLY PEOPLE FLEE THE RULE OF THE EARTHLY KING, Number 507 THE LORD IS GLORIOUS The LORD is near is comforting to his loved ones. Number434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING, Number429 EVIL MAN HONORED 141 EYES TO SEE: LION CROUCHING IN GRASS Number37 CHOSEN SERVANT, Number42 EVIL MAN 229 APOSTATE TRIBE 422 COVENANT OF LOVE, 417 MOCKING AND INSULTS Number383 TRUE PROPHETS IN PRISON, Number385 LYING PROPHETS MULTIPLY I think the seven hills are actually the seven buildings in the WTC, though I left that out until I could investigate it further. The number 111 is an angel number with deep meaning. Surely our highest calling is to share our faith to a lost world with the purpose of increasing Gods family of spiritual children. Number64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN, Number65 APOSTASY 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT Its so important that its often known as the number of God. 427 MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE KING It's just a quirk of your brain, called the frequency illusion. Number47 HUMILITY: Submission, Number48 FATHERS BLESSING: Inheritance 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP Number299 GOD IS HIDDEN AWAY, Number301 KING PILES UP WEALTH Number284 ERROR IN JUDGMENT Number 534 RIGHTEOUS MANA PREY Praise the name of Jesus. 315 WEEPING & MOURNING, 309 GOOD CONFESSION 174 INNOCENT DEATH Number 144 JESUS IS LORD, Number 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER SInce each pair of M/F gamets is 630 that is another Bible #. Oh, if only those trapped in religion knew how much they displease the Father & how spiritually dull is their condition. Number 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH Number161 PURIFIED CHURCH, Number163 WORD HID IN HEART 451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE 567 ABOVE ALL ANGELS 673 TRUE LOVE 545 I SEEK GODS FACE IN PRAYER Number 589 INHERITANCE CHANGED Pingback: Bible Chapters By Number | Bible Numbers For Life, Pingback: Bible Numbers The List | Bible Numbers For Life. What is Gods opinion of this? Number86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD Number 629 WISE MAN VICTORIOUS Hi Mark, I had two separate dreams , two weeks apart detailing the number 125. stream Number 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED Number114 OLD COVENANT RESTORED, Number116 PRAYER OF CONFESSION 672 LOVING WORDS Number482 WORSHIP FALSE GODS, Number483 DECEITFUL TONGUES Though we might make it to the elections. Number443 GOD OPPRESSES THE WEAK, Number444 WEALTH MEANS GOD HAS BLESSED YOU Number 509 TERROR ON EVERY SIDE Article Images Copyright . 476 MAN: POWERLESS ON EARTH Rachel gave birth to Benjamin in the Holy Land. how many muslim players in manchester united; no bom explosion due to missing config; how to contact phlash phelps Bible numbers apply to things God made (Creation) and things God said (Scripture). > Christ was born of a virgin that truth is presented in the sign Virgo. Number238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, Number240 HOLY THINGS LOST 512 ANGEL OF LORD IS NEAR In this context Isaiah chapter 1 starts to make sense. 6 MAN: Conscience, 6 MAN: Flesh is Weak The 125th chapter in the New Testament is Romans 8 The law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death. 216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE 439 BITTER SOUL is this relating to horoscope? However, we dont post links to other sites. Omicron = 70 Number125MULTITUDE OF HOLY ANGELS Hi brother, I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. Number462 FEEBLE ARM, Number472 THE LORD HEARS The number 175 means Marriage Violation. Number 667 VOW TO EARTHLY KING Number493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE 323 FALSE PROPHETS DIE, 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED I saw what it meant on your column can you please expound. Number 2 DIVIDE: Break 77 THE FALSE PROPHET, 78 MIRACULOUS SIGNS Hope that helps. Bible numbers enrich spiritual understanding. 337 BACKSLIDERS SWALLOWED, 338 SINFUL CITY FALLS FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, 233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND This is an exercise we are warned to keep away from (2 Tim 4:4 Titus 1:14). 8000 Number 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED The USA is $17,000,000,000,000+ in actual outstanding loans/IOUs, expected to reach $20 trillion before Obama is out of office which is another story. 409 PROMISE TO SUPPLY ALL NEEDS Number 142 RASH DECISION 371 PLACE OF SUFFERING, 372 GLORY OF GOD IS COVERED Number600 ARMED FORCE Number 686 LAND OF KINGS LAID WASTE Hope Bolingeris an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, and the author 21+ books. What do we see today in so-called Christendom? 584 JUDGES DO RIGHT Three tends to represent completeness. [see Galatians 3 to 5]. Furthermore, the number 2 is associated with separation or division in the Bible. The good news? In the Bible, the number 6 has several symbolic meanings. I like the additions and improvements to your website, plus, the picture. A multitude of them testifies to the glory of God to give life. Caesar Augustus Nero, spelled out in Roman numbers, forms 666. Number69 KILLING BELIEVERS, Number73 BABYLON: World Rule 135 SPIRITUAL GIFTS, 136 CLEAN HEART Number 504 STAND BY FAITH Many teachers believe it's a symbolism for "bondage" because it's mentioned in the Bible 18 times, but scholarly Christians and Jews have noted that at many points, the number 18 represents the release from bondage. You love your country and the word of God. 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, 600 ARMED FORCE I had a dream just recently that I was talking to The Holy Ghost, and He showed me the numbers 622 and told me to write it down. 598 TEACH THE NATIONS Everything on this site is original research. America is a huge topic in Bible prophecy. not in the Holy Land, therefore they are a type of Gentile nations. 464 LOST SOUL, 465 SELF-LOVE Number232 REPULSIVE PEOPLE The Bible does contain specific references to numerical values and patterns of numbers, though some could argue that does not definitively mean that the Bible uses numerology. Number 604 ABUNDANT HARVEST So, the fern witches/wicca like to use in their spells, has Daniels days of 1260, wrapped up in 630 Satanic periods, that reproduces away from the light underground. I downloaded your part about how America will be defeated, which I will read later. Often their message is unpopular. Number 514 EVILDOERS LIE FALLEN 554 OPPRESSOR IS NO MORE, 537 PROWLING DOGS HUNT AT NIGHT For example, there is the union between the church and Christ, as well as the marriage union between a man and a woman. > I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. Thank you for your interest. In Hebraic culture, in both the Old and New Testament, certain numbers can hearken back to major occurrences throughout Israels history. FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, Number233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND 9 JUDGMENT : endstream We have not presented all the constellations on our our Stars page, but we have presented enough of them so you will see the amazing truth that is up there in the night sky. 685 HOLY NATION CUT DOWN Number 525 GOD IS KING OF ALL THE EARTH People say that the Trinity also represents the mind, body, and spirit. 1. The article linked above breaks down several instances of the significance of seven. It points to the unfaithful heart of the Beast, who will violate his covenant and turn and destroy the harlot religion once world power is firmly in his grip. America will be defeated, which I will read later connected with the purpose of increasing FAMILY. To JOY Firstly, it represents the imperfect nature of human beings and inclination! 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