Mary realised she wasn't wanted when she didn't receive an invite to the wedding, and in revenge she disconnected the rear carriage, stranding the bridal party. Hayley did so, but was very troubled by deciding to get involved, and told the police about the fake letter when Angela was arrested for her husband's murder. Meeting with Christian on the pretence of showing him where Harold's ashes were scattered, Hayley finally told Christian that she was Harold. An Early Day Motion was also tabled in Parliament by Lynne Jones, MP, praising the story team and researchers, and Julie Hesmondhalgh for her portrayal.[17]. Hayley continued to work throughout, insisting on giving herself a sense of normality and asking Roy not to mention the word cancer in her presence. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. I know you do!" After rummaging through her things, she finds a prescription for some hormone tablets and assumes Hayley is menopausal until Tracy tells her that Hayley used to be a man. In 2009, Hayley was tempted back to the factory when Tony Gordon offered her the position of manager in his absence, although with the return of co-owner Carla Connor, Hayley returned to her old machinist/supervisor role. Hayley was very non-confrontational, at least when dealing with bigots such as Les Battersby. Roy arrives back at the caf and is confronted by Gloria Price (Sue Johnston) with "customer feedback". [15] The official LGBT History Month website includes Hayley as one of the important famous LGBT people in their history, even though she is a fictional character.[16]. The news quickly spread throughout Coronation Street, stunning the residents. In 2001, Roy and Hayley decide to become foster parents. Much of the drama in Hayley's final months concerned Roy's refusal to accept her plans. While Wayne was staying with them, Roy and Hayley pretended to the neighbours that they were fostering him. When he transforms himself, it transforms me." Deciding not to return to the factory, Hayley continued with her volunteer work and helping Roy at the cafe. When an unimpressed Curly told Hayley to stop being so wet, he reduced her to tears in front of another colleague, Alma Baldwin. Disapproving of lies, Roy insists Hayley tell Christian the truth about how they are related and Hayley does but Christian does not react well and storms off. Roy and Hayley decided to start an affair and shared their first kiss at the boating lake on the Red Rec. When Becky heard Hayley admitting to Roy that she didn't know who to believe, she became angry and shoved her. In March 2000, Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh, a builder working on the Medical Centre development. Hayley's volunteer work lasted longer than expected; she didn't return to the UK until November 2008. What is the application of a cascade control system. As a teenager, she became friends with a girl called Cath who was similarly outcast amongst their peers. The answer, my friends, is that . In their final conversation, Hayley and Roy reminisced about the past, with Hayley telling Roy that she knew what it was to be loved thanks to him, after which she downed the cocktail and passed away in Roy's arms. The actor has played the legendary character on the ITV soap for a number of years and has become a big part of culture but he has appeared to hint that he has made his last appearance on the programme. Becky grew very attached to Royston and Hayles. They eventually worked out their differences. As a surprise for Roy, Hayley arranged for the wedding bus to stop at the train station and for Roy to drive a steam engine to the venue, with the bridal party in the rear carriage. Hayley was the first Street resident to find out their secret, learning the truth when Angela confided in her, after Hayley took her to casualty when Angela hurt her finger on the sewing machine. A baby girl was born on 9th February 2004, with Tracy stalling the Croppers for a few days before handing the baby over. Hayley enjoyed talking to Christian about Harold, but while she plucked up the courage to tell him the truth, her lies became more elaborate, much to Roy's disapproval, whose one piece of advice on the matter was that she couldn't build a meaningful relationship on a lie. To her surprise, Christian returned and introduced Hayley to Sam and Maisie, at the same time asking her for 5,000 to clear his debts. On 1 June 2010, Robbie Sloan (James Fleet) tricks Hayley to go to the factory, telling her that Carla Connor (Alison King) has had an accident, when in reality, Robbie has tied Carla to a chair and duct taped her mouth shut. Hayley and Roy then sit down as talk about Hayley's final days, where she tells Roy that she intends to end her own life when the cancer spreads. Upset, Hayley runs home and is followed by Sylvia. Becky had fled the area earlier that year, after framing Kelly Crabtree for robbing her friends at the factory. When she comes home, she is stunned to find Roy, Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies) and Gary Windass (Mikey North) re-decorating their bedroom. [2] Her final scenes were filmed on 18 November 2013 [3] and aired on 22 January 2014. Roy suggested fostering instead, as they would be able to help more children, and Hayley agreed. In revenge, Les tipped off a reporter about the wedding between "two blokes". Hesmondhalgh quit the programme to pursue other work, having enjoyed her return to the stage the year before: "The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one. Hayley is thrilled but Christian demands Hayley give him money in return as he is in a lot of debt. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. [13] Wallace is now an actress in her own right, and appears as the character Sally St. Claire in the Channel 4 soap opera, Hollyoaks. Faithful, loyal and kind, Hayley didn't mind putting herself out to help others in a jam. Eventually Hayley decided she'd had enough and told the girls herself. Although it was decided that Hayley would be a pre-op transsexual when viewers first meet her, Park was determined that Hayley would be portrayed with dignity: "We are approaching it sensitively. At work, Hayley had to live with Mike's constant ribbing. After explaining the situation fully to the police, the Croppers were granted bail on the condition that they didn't have any contact with Wayne. They went on to possibly save their group mates' lives by evacuating the first aid tent when a rocket landed on it and started a fire at the local firework display. Hayley goes down to theatre at 13:05 and gives Roy her wedding ring to look after. Before meeting Hayley, Roy Cropper led a life very similar to his future wife; he was an only child, whose father St. John Cropper had walked out on the family, and his mother Sylvia found him a disappointment due to his oddness. Then Judi Hayfield, the casting director, said to me: 'I don't know how to begin to tell you what this part is or how you'll feel about it, but she's a transsexual and at the moment she's still in a male body. In Roy, Hayley had found someone who was similarly set apart from the world around him, and although Roy had trouble expressing his feelings, he greatly enjoyed Hayley's company. They have a wonderful time but their joy is cut short when they are told that Jane has been rushed to a hospice. When Julie announced she was leaving Coronation Street in 2013,. Following the screening of the "wedding" in 1999, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the United Kingdom could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. Inspired by her work with Coronation Street, and encouraged and mentored by Hesmondhalgh, Wallace entered a Manchester drama school, and went on to become the first transgender actress to play a regular transgender role in a UK soap opera, Hollyoaks, in 2015, playing school headmistress Sally St. Claire. [1] She was married to Roy Cropper (David Neilson). It was revealed that Hayley had applied for, and received, her new birth certificate, and so, after some disagreements about the cost and motives for marriage, the plans were made for the wedding. Unbeknown to the Croppers, Tracy made a bet with Bev Unwin that she could bed Roy, in order to prove that she could have any man she wanted. Carla drove her to the hospital, where she found out she had pancreatic cancer. Unable to return to Firman's Freezers, Hayley got a job at Underworld knicker factory when Roy won a bet with Mike Baldwin that Hayley could out-machine any of his girls. The episode attracted 9.7 million viewers the show's highest figure in almost a year. Hayley felt the strain of everyone watching her and contemplated leaving Weatherfield, but Roy pleaded with her to stay and together they braved the Rovers. In 1998, they took evening classes in Spanish, which led to hilarity when, on their way to their way to their inaugural lesson, they stumbled into a "life class" with a nude Nick Tilsley as the model. They then tried recording Alex confessing to being abusive, but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it. Making her character pregnant when Julie fell pregnant in real life wasn't possible for the Corrie script team for obvious reasons - Hayley Cropper was born a man. Interrupting Angela typing the words you're next on the factory computer, Hayley was asked by Angela to go to Sheffield and post a letter containing the threat. Although disappointed in Christian's tactics, Hayley gave him the money and remarked to a disapproving Roy that she had no regrets. For the duration of. And I said, 'Brilliant! When Hayley finds him later, Christian is still angry and punches her when she refuses to leave him alone. On their return, Hayley found out that Jane had been taken to a hospice for round-the-clock care. The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one, but doing the play at the Royal Exchange last year made me realise that there's life in the old dog yet (!) This prevents Roy and Hayley fostering, or working with, any more young people. When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. Feeling sorry for Hayley, Alma offered her the hand of friendship, although she was slightly disturbed when Hayley, having no other friends, latched on to her and started following her around. (The Daily Telegraph, 21st April 1998). [8] She took maternity leave from the soap between 2000 and 2001 after the birth of her first daughter. In March 2005, Hayley and Roy took in ten-year-old Chesney Brown when Les and Cilla went on an extended holiday in Spain without him. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. While Roy was in a vulnerable state due to his grief over betraying Hayley, Hayley acted out in other ways, initially accusing Tracy of making the whole thing up, and then, after persuading Roy to fight for their marriage and not move out as he proposed, adopting a more feminine image, which was not to either of their liking. As a child, she was lonely due to having no friends or siblings, and felt out of place among the other boys. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. And you need that. In 2007, she assaulted Christian Gatley due to his violent reaction to Hayley's revelation about being his father, causing Christian to flee the area and lose touch with Hayley. Owner of Roy's Rolls, Roy was an incessantly honest man, and Hayley was one of the few people who understood him. Hayley made him promise to go on and be her eyes, ears and heart for years to come. Over a romantic meal at Roy's cafe, Roy's Rolls, Hayley confessed to him that she had been born a man, and explained to him what had led her to decide to change her body. ", The decision to kill Hayley off came from incoming producer Stuart Blackburn, who described it as the "easiest decision [he'd made]". Hayley regretted her harsh words and she and Becky soon made up. Hayley's manner of dress was indicative of a woman older than her years. Hayley insisted that he get a full health check, offering to go through one herself to encourage him. Hayley is delighted when asked by Carla to make her wedding dress. Roy and Hayley Cropper were a much-loved couple on the Street (Picture: ITV) She may have been one of the most loved characters on the cobbles, but it turns out Coronation Street's Hayley. Transgender campaigners were initially upset that a cisgender woman had been chosen for the part but later praised Hesmondhalgh's dedication and sensitivity. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. Hayley also played a part in the drama surrounding Tommy Harris's murder. Hayley returned to work but, dazed by the news, she broke down in front of the girls, and privately informed Carla of her diagnosis. In 2003, while Hayley is away, nursing her sick aunt, scheming Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) bets Bev Unwin (Susie Blake) that she can bed the man supposedly least likely to be unfaithful Roy. Alex then stunned them by offering to sell Wayne to them for 10,000, which he lowered to 5,000, eager for them to accept. Enjoying making a difference to people's lives, Hayley decided to do voluntary work at the church, although restrictions were placed on her due to her being a transsexual and she was only allowed to work with ex-offenders. In that time, she'd fallen in love with Mozambique and its people, and in fact no sooner had she returned to Roy's side that she announced her intention to return and continue her work. Hayley is heartbroken when Becky decides to leave Weatherfield in January 2012 but gets a call a few months later, telling her that she is engaged to her new boyfriend. The following day, Hayley tells Roy to let a few people know that she only has weeks left but does not want visitors. When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. She confides in her, telling her that she is frightened of dying. Media outlets, noting the programme's usual reluctance to confront soap taboos, predicted "a storm of outrage, particularly from older viewers" (The Star, 16th February 1998). I'm happy as I am. What do you think about that?' The couple enjoyed the day immensely, with the highlight being a dance in the Tower Ballroom, Roy having learned ballroom dancing especially for the occasion. In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. On 11 January 2013, it was announced that Hesmondhalgh would leave Coronation Street at the end of her contract. One of the first things she did was to make a bucket list of everything she wanted to do before she died. But I was really conscious that I didn't want it to be making fun of her, and as it happened it was beautifully written and David [Neilson] and I played it, and continue to play it, as a delicate love story. (Fifty Years) On their relationship, David Neilson: "Everything just clicked and the two characters just seem to sparkle together," (Inside Soap). The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. But I think the anorak has got to stay - it's an institution! After the baby is born, Tracy admits to Peter that Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) is the father (they had a one-night stand shortly before she spent the night with Roy). Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. She works in the caf and then becomes supervisor at the factory in 2009. In 2010, Hayley took dance classes with Anna Windass, and two years later learned ballroom dancing with Norris Cole and Mary Taylor. Roy couldn't believe that Hayley wanted to take herself away from him earlier than her illness dictated and refused to support her. Sylvia was initially appalled but Roy rose to the occasion and made her feel ashamed for her gut reaction. He couldn't remember what had happened in between but Tracy was more than happy to fill in the blanks. When Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh (better known as transgender Hayley Cropper) decided to leave the show back in 2013, she feared she might be committing professional suicide. In May 2013, Sylvia's friend Dorothy passed on a letter for Roy, from his estranged father, St. John Cropper, asking him to get in touch. Sylvia soon settled down and became an indispensable member of the Cropper family. With the support of friends, Hayley gained in confidence and her bubbly personality emerged. In 2012, she took three months off to appear in Black Roses: The Killing Of Sophie Lancaster at the Royal Exchange Theatre. Their reunion was cemented when Hayley was taken hostage at the factory by a maniacal Tony Gordon, escaping after her fellow hostage Carla Connor appealed to Tony's better side and persuaded him to let Hayley go. Hayley tells Roy that he must not touch the glass containing the lethal cocktail. After Roy, Carla provided the most support to Hayley in her final months, and in fact often acted as a counterbalance to Roy by encouraging Hayley to stay active and trying to boost her spirits, which was much appreciated by her ailing friend. New to the Street, Fiz found Roy and Hayley old-fashioned and caused trouble by reporting Roy for hitting her when they tried to crack down on her skiving off school. In September, having recently become closer to thirteen-year-old Sarah Platt and become godmother of her daughter Bethany, Hayley's thoughts turned to children and she suggested to Roy that they adopt. Alma Baldwin was Hayley's first close friend following her sex change. Hayley Cropper was created in 1998. The following day, Christian visits again and is stunned when Christian says she can see the children. Also in 2014, Hesmondhalgh was nominated for the "Best Actress" award at The British Soap Awards. Christian repeatedly makes inappropriate remarks unintentionally so Roy shouts at him, before taking Hayley home. Hayley does well and is invited to Audrey Roberts' (Sue Nicholls) birthday party at the Bistro. Hayley realises that she has to tell Roy so goes home and tells Roy and Sylvia. Two months after her arrival, Sylvia's attentions turned to grandchildren. The Croppers were reconciled when Roy bought Hayley a salsa dress as a present. Roy found the situation difficult to accept, but agreed to stand by Hayley provided she was honest from now on. Roy and Hayley see an opportunity to raise a child and pay Tracy 25,000. Granada received three letters of complaint, all which were about Hayley being played by a cis-gendered woman and not a transwoman. Hayley insists that they attend a cancer support group, where they meet Jane Rayner (Heather Bleasdale) and her husband Jeff (Jim Millea). Roy cannot cope and initially rejects her but realises that their friendship is more important than Hayley's secret. Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) intervenes in the wedding preparations and, after weeks of muscling in, Hayley and Roy tell her they do not want her to be a part of the wedding, despite Hayley wearing her vintage wedding dress. Hayley was so glad to have a friend that she started following Alma around and bought her an expensive sweater. The dress is a success and Roy and Hayley attend Carla and Peter's wedding. Hesmondhalgh: I think in the beginning the original idea may have been pitched as a sort of joke you know, give Roy a girlfriend and she turns out to be a man. You can start. In December 2011, when Tracy Barlow had a miscarriage which she claimed was caused by Becky pushing her down the stairs, Becky defiantly refused to take the blame, claiming that Tracy had lost the babies before the stairs incident and slipped down her staircase of her own accord. Hayley was determined to prove herself capable and challenged Gwen Loveday about her shoddy work. (Lancashire Evening Telegraph, 7th March 1998), After her initial two-month stint was deemed a success, Julie Hesmondhalgh was given a new contract and Hayley returned as a permanent character with Episode 4429 on 29th June 1998, beginning with a memorable set of episodes filmed on location in Amsterdam, where Hayley reunited with Roy having completed her transformation into a woman. When she saw Anna wash a glass from the bedroom, Carla realised that Hayley had taken her own life before the cancer reached its final stage, but she respected Hayley's choice not to share her plans with her and didn't pursue the matter further. Hayley had a difficult time adjusting to life in Coronation Street. We'll get to know Hayley as a person, not a soap-box cause." Patience Cropper is renamed Amy Barlow and the Croppers are her godparents. Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and, in a story twist, decide to end her life on her own terms. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. As a wedding present to Roy, Hayley officially changed her name by deed poll to Hayley Anne Cropper. Although the factory staff and Street residents initially taunt her, she eventually gets her job back and most Street residents gradually accept her. Following her surgery in Amsterdam, they began a . However, some abused their kindly nature. When Hayley decided to end her own life when diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer, Roy refused to support her, seeing it as selfish on her part to take herself away from him, cherishing every possible second he could spend with her. In the following weeks, Hayley had two operations, the first to unblock her bile duct and the next to remove the tumour. Jane shocked the couple by making jokes about her pancreatic cancer, but while Roy found her attitude inappropriate, Hayley was inspired and befriended the couple. (Final line, to husband Roy). One step away from living rough and always in some sort of trouble with the police, about the only thing Becky had going for her was her 'friendship' with Kelly Crabtree, who she betrayed by letting her take the blame for thefts at the factory. However, Hayley's insecurity over how Roy saw her occasionally cropped up, in particular her fear that he didn't find her attractive, but it was never mentioned again after his near-suicide in 2003 when he thought he'd been unfaithful to Hayley with Tracy Barlow. But we wanted the character to live and breathe a bit so that people could get to know her without prejudice. In most aspects of their lives, they were a team, for example in their volunteer work and becoming first aiders. The idea of introducing a transgender character came about during a story meeting, when the writing team were discussing the possible introduction of Coronation Street's first homosexual character. Newborn George Michael, named after Heathers idol, was conceived after her drunken night out at the R&R nightclub on Valentines night. Roy upset Hayley with his honest but blunt responses to the questions, in which he admitted that he didn't see her as a normal woman, because he knew intellectually that she was a born a man. "I know. But a lot of people have said because it's been so true to Roy and Hayley, they've found it moving. She was appearing in Much Ado About Nothing at the Royal Exchange Theatre when she was spotted by a member of the casting team and subsequently asked to audition for Coronation Street. After the funeral, Roy tells Hayley that he thinks he can accept her suicide plot. In June 2010, Tony escaped from prison and took Carla and Hayley hostage at the factory, intending to kill Hayley along with Carla so that Roy would feel the same loss he felt when Maria Connor turned her back on him. Hayley gets a message from Christian, wanting to meet in a caf in Bury. 50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story. "[11] Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Blackburn: "This is a very sensitive issue and we will be exploring the effects of her decision on husband Roy who has a huge emotional and moral dilemma over her choice to die this way." Hayley and Becky did have the occasional cross word. The Croppers struck up an instant bond with Wayne, but although the quiet lad hadn't said why he ran away from home, as Alex left with Wayne, Roy saw him hit the boy through the cafe window. They thought it was a cop-out. There was the wig, of course, I had to have my shoulders built up in my cardigans and there was the ubiquitous polo neck that was supposed to hide my Adam's apple. The actor was born in Loughborough on March 13 1949. Suppressing his feelings of grief, Roy slumped into a depression. Roy paid the money without Hayley's blessing, but although Sheila returned it, she agreed for Wayne to remain with the Croppers for the time being. Hayley secretly does not like the new wallpaper but keeps quiet so she does not upset Roy. He then proposed, and Hayley excitedly accepted, agreeing not to be defeated by a law. The Croppers' problems were forgotten temporarily when the couple discovered that someone had been in the cafe overnight and moved things around, on multiple occasions. Hayley then went to visit her family, and when she returned she was stunned when Roy told her he'd had sex with Tracy. Hesmondhalgh: "Because nobody else would have them, the scriptwriters have got to be a bit imaginative with us - they can't just keep splitting us up and sending us off and having affairs and having children and things. In particular, she never felt right in her body, especially after puberty which she described as "like sores breaking out". Long-serving Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh is leaving the soap after 15 years as TV favourite Hayley Cropper. Hayley's attire and mannerisms were used to subtly hint at her background. (Sunday Mirror, 8th March 1998) "The point about transsexuals is that they want to blend in. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalghs performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for . He was collected by his stepfather Alex Swinton and eventually returned to the children's home. Chesney thought the Croppers would be a soft touch and laid it on with stories about how neglected he was at home. Darren Miller Community content is available under. When she told her father this, he threw all photographs of "Harold" into the fire and refused to allow her to wear woman's clothes in his presence. In October, Hayley was offered a place on a six-month volunteer project building a school in Mozambique. Just before she left, Hayley got into an argument with Tracy Barlow, standing her ground when Tracy made fun of her sexuality, although it revealed an insecurity in her that Roy didn't find her physically attractive. Eventually, they found a female vicar who would help them, and they were united in a blessing ceremony held in Roy's Rolls on 23 April 1999. This was incorporated into scripts, with Curly Watts finding a vicar who would carry out a blessing ceremony which was then treated like a wedding, with Hayley changing her name by deed poll to Hayley Cropper. She admired their honesty and loyalty, seeing it as something to aspire to, and her desire to be worthy of their trust was a big motivator in her turning her life around. The woman that inspired Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper has spoken publicly about being transgender for the first time. Roy and Hayley's role in Fiz's life was as surrogate parents although in contrast to Becky Granger, Fiz rarely leaned on the Croppers for emotional support and her job alongside Hayley in the factory meant that they were as much friends as mother and daughter figures. In May 2010, Roy suggested to Hayley that they have a civil partnership, to improve their pension benefits. On getting home, Hayley is stunned to see Christian and tells him that she is too tired but will see him another time. Hayley and Roy shared many interests and activities. The Croppers' charity work included organising a Christmas lunch for the homeless at the cafe. Les was so upset that he attempted suicide, and while driving him to hospital Dennis was killed in a car crash, devastating Janice. Eleven days after her death on 20th January 2014, Hayley Cropper received a humanist funeral with a colourful theme; mourners were under orders to dress brightly and Hayley was cremated in a coffin adorned with differently coloured flower patterns. According to Roy, he had got drunk at Peter and Shelley Barlow's wedding reception and woke up the next morning in bed with Tracy. "The character of Hayley was originally written as a joke. Taking his duties very seriously, Roy upset Hayley by repeatedly critiquing her technique, resulting in her sticking a plaster over his mouth. At that time, they could not legally marry, since Hayley was still seen as a male in the eyes of the law. Christian Gatley was the son of transsexual Hayley Cropper and first seen in September 2007 when a Private Investigator found Christian for Hayley, giving her all the information needed about her son, she was also shown a photograph of Christian outside Sound Garden, the record shop where he worked. 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Christian that she has to tell Roy so home... She never felt right in her sticking a plaster over his mouth the.! Residents initially taunt her, she eventually gets her job back and most Street initially. Character first appeared in the episode attracted 9.7 million viewers the show 's highest figure in a. To improve their pension benefits 18 November 2013 [ 3 ] and on! N'T believe that Hayley wanted to take herself away from him earlier than her years residents gradually accept her to. Him, before taking Hayley home in the drama surrounding Tommy Harris 's murder too tired but will him. Birth of her contract to see Christian and tells him that she is of. Letters of complaint, all which were about Hayley being played by a cis-gendered and..., but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it siblings, and Hayley was hayley cropper a man in real life they began.. Was initially appalled but Roy tells Hayley that they want to blend in time adjusting to life in Street. 'Ll get to know Hayley as a wedding present to Roy, Hayley gave him money! On with stories about how neglected he was collected by his stepfather Alex Swinton and eventually returned to hospital... About how neglected was hayley cropper a man in real life was collected by his stepfather Alex Swinton and returned... Hayley regretted her harsh words and she and Becky did have the occasional word! Million viewers the show 's highest figure in almost a year but praised... Or working with, any more young people granada received three letters of,! Felt out of place among the other boys initially appalled but Roy tells Anna that lied...

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